Sunday, August 9, 2009

Texas Dot Truck

Please go to this sight. I cannot get the pictures to down load. The Drugs & the money. wow. In search field put Texas Dot truck & it will bring up different sights, look at all of them Texas DOT Vehicle stopped by an alert DPS Trooper on I-10 between San Antonio and Seguin , TX The Mexicans cloned a Texas DOT Truck and got busted smuggling drugs...I wonder how long they got away with it before they got busted? BELOW ARE PICTURES TAKEN AFTER A RAID ON THE DRUG DEALER'S HOUSE IN MEXICO . ARE YOU READY FOR THIS??? Despite prosecution by Sutton, fake state trucks still being found Posted: October 20, 2007 1:00 am Eastern © 2009 Fake Texas Department of Transportation vehicle used to haul drugs Since 2005, federal and state law enforcement officials have known drug smugglers were using fake Texas Department of Transportation vehicles to haul their cargo all over the Lone Star State. But, more than two years later, and despite a major prosecution of the 11 people involved in the scam by Johnny Sutton of the U.S. attorney's office – the official known for handing two Border Patrol agents jail sentences of more than 10 years apiece – the fraudulent trucks are still being found carrying their illicit loads. In August, Texas state troopers found one of the fake trucks in East Texas carrying 1,000 pounds of marijuana. The truck had a TxDOT logo on the door, but reflective stripes on the side of the vehicle were slightly different from official trucks. Now, more than two years later after 11 people were sentenced in helping with the scam, Texas DOT is putting its employees on alert statewide. In July 2006, U.S. Attorney Sutton announced the sentencing of 11 on mail fraud charges connected with the drug trafficking operation. However, none of those convicted received sentences like Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, the two Border Patrol agents still serving their sentences of 11 and 12 years each in an incident involving their attempted apprehension of a drug smuggler. (Story continues below) The longest jail sentence handed out in the fake DOT trucks case was 27 months. Many of those convicted only paid fines. The case of Ramos and Compean has stirred a national controversy, and their stiff sentence has placed Sutton in the political crosshairs. Drugs discovered in fake Texas Department of Transportation truck Last week, President Bush's spokeswoman, Dana Perino, brushed off a request from Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., for the Bush administration to review the their case. Rohrabacher had made the request, arguing that for 10 months Ramos and Compean have been in conditions more severe than experienced by terrorists held by the U.S. at the Naval Base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The congressman also said he has written to Manhattan federal trial judge Michael Mukasey, Bush's nominee to replace Alberto Gonzales as attorney general, demanding that upon confirmation Mukasey conduct an unbiased review of the agents' prosecution. Ramos and Compean received sentences of 11 and 12 years respectively for their actions in the shooting and wounding of Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila, a Mexican illegal who was fleeing across the Mexican border and resisting arrest after having smuggled 750 pounds of marijuana into the U.S. Fake Texas Department of Transportation vehicle used to haul drugs In a fact sheet comparison of Gitmo Camp 4, the medium-security terrorist detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, and the solitary confinement experienced by Ramos and Compean under the U.S. Bureau of Prisons, Rohrabacher claims the former border agents' spend 23 hours per day in their cells, with only one hour permitted outdoors per day. Camp 4 Gitmo detainees, according to the fact sheet, are allowed to live in a communal setting that permits up to nine hours per day in outside exercise and recreational facilities that included covered picnic tables and ping-pong tables, as well as access to soccer fields and volleyball courts. Ramos and Compean began serving their federal prison sentences on Jan. 17, while their cases were yet under appeal. Special offers: Get "The Late Great USA" and find out how America is giving away its sovereignty "PREMEDITATED MERGER: How leaders are stealthily transforming USA into North American Union" Autographed! – Pat Buchanan unleashed on border crisis Tom Tancredo: America itself "In Mortal Danger" Get Minutemen founder's new book "Conquest of Aztlan": Will Mexicans retake American Southwest? 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