Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Are you Un-American because you don't agree with Obama Health Plan Pls! Read

Dear Londa, I mentioned last week that Americans United for Life Action was bracing for a long, hot summer here in Washington and as we all know from watching the weekend news, the heat over the health care debate is rising rapidly. Just yesterday, in a USA Today op-ed, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) argued that the people attending town hall meetings and questioning the wisdom of the House health care reform bill have been “un-American.” “Opponents are afraid not just of differing views,” they write, “but of the facts themselves.” But as John Adams famously argued in 1770, “Facts are stubborn things.” The truth is that there is nothing more American than the First Amendment right to “petition the government for a redress of grievances.” The facts of the plan under consideration demand that pro-life Americans speak up now or risk being forced to pay for a plan that mandates taxpayer funds for abortion, strips health care providers of conscience rights, and threatens the ill and elderly with denial of care.Pro-Life Health Care Flyer Here’s a better idea than questioning one another’s patriotism: show them you’re not afraid of the facts. Go to your U.S. senator or representative’s town hall meeting and ask informed questions. AUL’s legal team has written a talking-points flyer for pro-lifers to distribute at these meetings. It gives detailed information on the parts of the bills under consideration that relate to abortion, end-of-life care, and conscience rights. The flyer also includes our three essential principles that must be in any health care reform plan that protects life. Click here to download the flyer. All the information on the flyer is also available on AUL’s RealHealthCareRespectsLife.com, along with additional in-depth analysis from our legal experts on the health care reform plans currently in the House and Senate. If you haven’t done so already, make sure to sign the site’s petition to add your voice to the thousands urging the President to keep abortion out of health care. Thank you for joining me in protecting and defending life! Charmaine Yoest For Life, Charmaine Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D. President & CEO Caught on Tape: Obama Calls Abortion the Center of His Health Care Agenda If you’ve seen our FightFOCA.com, you know that, as a presidential candidate, Barack Obama promised abortion advocates at a Planned Parenthood conference that the “first thing” he’d do as President was to sign the Freedom of Choice Act. Thankfully, you and the 700,000 others who signed our “Fight FOCA” petition helped convince him that was a bad idea. But did you know that, at that same conference, Obama said that mandated abortion coverage would be at the “center and heart” of his health care agenda? He did, and we’ve got the tape. Obama on Health Care

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