Thursday, August 27, 2009

From Wall Street Jounal

By FAWN JOHNSON and LAURA MECKLER WASHINGTON -- Anti-abortion groups are gearing up for a battle in the fall over health-care legislation, another headache for Democrats who already face concerns about the measure's cost and reach. Most versions of the Democratic health plan would create subsidies for lower-income people to buy private health insurance. If that insurance includes coverage for abortion, as many existing private plans do, it effectively means federal taxpayers are subsidizing abortion, critics of the legislation argue. Read More * Heaven & Earth: Does Health Care Cover Abortion? While it gets less attention than some other parts of the plan, abortion has often been raised by critics at town-hall meetings during the August congressional recess. Abortion opponents are funding advertisements targeting key lawmakers. The Family Research Council is running television and radio ads in several states that are home to swing-vote Democratic senators, while the National Right to Life Committee is targeting pro-life Democrats in the House who likely will take the first vote on the measure in September. Before they vote, "lawmakers will know this is a bill to set up a big federal abortion program," said the right-to-life committee's legislative director, Douglas Johnson. View Full Image abortion and health care and obama Associated Press Randall Terry, an antiabortion activist, at a town-hall meeting in Reston, Va., on Tuesday. Police ejected him for disrupting the proceedings. abortion and health care and obama abortion and health care and obama Those who favor abortion rights say the bills aren't giving any special treatment to abortions. National Organization for Women President Terry O'Neill said the conservatives' proposals would deny many women their reproductive rights. "There is no constitutional basis for taking that away or for any politician to use reproductive health care as a political football," she said. Abortion opponents say they will be satisfied only if a health bill specifically bans all abortion coverage in any federally subsidized plan. They note that Congress has already established similar bans in other federally funded health programs, such as Medicaid, health insurance for federal workers and military plans. The only exceptions are for rape, incest or danger to the life of the mother. Anti-abortion activists have attended town-hall meetings and plan to hold prayer vigils in front of lawmakers' district offices before the legislators return to Washington in September. At a town-hall meeting Tuesday night by Rep. Jim Moran (D., Va.), police ejected anti-abortion activist Randall Terry for disrupting the proceedings, to competing shouts of "We won't pay for murder!" and "Kick him out!" Planned Parenthood members have shown up at some town-hall meetings to remind lawmakers to "make women's health a priority" in the legislation, said spokesman Tait Sye. Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro Choice America are also seeking to debunk claims that a health-care overhaul will expand taxpayer-funded abortions. Some Democrats have been searching for a compromise approach. An amendment approved by the House Energy and Commerce Committee would allow coverage of abortion, but the money would have to come from the portion of the premiums that are paid by the individuals. A sliver of those monthly premiums would be segregated and abortion services would be reimbursed from that separate account. The amendment also says there would have to be at least one plan that covers abortion and one that doesn't in every part of the country. State restrictions on access to abortion would remain in place. "It's very personal and it's very emotional," said Rep. Lois Capps (D., Calif.), who sponsored the amendment. "The goal is to not have controversial points stand in the way of making progress." The Capps amendment was enough to satisfy Rep. Tim Ryan (D., Ohio), an abortion opponent. "As long as we have no federal funding going to abortions -- that to me is the No. 1 principle," he said. "For most, I think this will resolve the abortion funding issue." Other abortion opponents said the measure was inadequate. Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana, chairman of the House Republican Conference, said the vote on the Capps amendment "demonstrates just how far Democrats are willing to go to force taxpayers to fund abortion." Rep. Bart Stupak (D., Mich.) voted against the Capps proposal in committee and was one of 20 Democrats to sign a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi saying they would not support any health bill that does not explicitly exclude abortion coverage. —Louise Radnofsky contributed to this article. Write to Fawn Johnson at and Laura Meckler at Do you want to fund Murder of unborn babies. Also funding the world abortions?? Is this Germany? Is this before WWII? Is Hitler & the Nazi party in power of the United States? This is what your government wants to do. They don't care how we feel, the American People. There are other known ways to handle birth control. Giving more money to an already rich Company of Planned Parenthood. Are we blind? Do we not care. The most thing that bothers me is we cannot say what sin is or isn't without it being a hate crime! We as Americans; forget that this country was founded on Christian Values. Abortions - murder of innocent babies, & we're funding millions of dollars worth of it. THERE ARE OTHER TYPES OF WELL DOCUMENTED BIRTH CONTROL out there!! With this country being trillion of dollars in debt. I say cut the funding for abortions give it to our actual Needed people, people who has lost their jobs, for insurance helping the poor, the disable (who has not chosen to be disable as people with drug or alcohol problems), our older retired persons, not to murder innocent babies! Wouldn't you like to see the American peoples money going for something different. Rev. Londa Picard

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