Thursday, August 20, 2009


Dear Londa, Stop the Abortion Mandate Video Click to watch the Stop the Abortion Mandate video. Your support has helped us and our pro-life allies to dramatically shift the health care debate. President Obama and Congress are taking notice of the firestorm in the town hall meetings; and from the phone calls, letters, and visits to their congressional offices across America. We both know that the heart of health care reform should be to preserve and protect life and that message is getting to Congress and President Obama. However, the FIGHT is NOT over yet. We still need you to help us defend the most vulnerable among us including the unborn and the elderly. Please tell Congress and tell President Obama that the type of health care "reform" that requires taxpayer-payer funded abortions, that won't allow doctors or nurses the right to object to performing acts contrary to their conscience, and denying life-sustaining treatment to the terminally ill and the chronically ill, is UNACCEPTABLE. Are you wondering how else you can make your voice heard? Go to your nearest town hall meeting and ask informed questions. Our legal team has done the research for you. Take our flyer with you to ask your legislator the tough questions: Click here to download the flyer. Our organization is a member of the largest pro-life coalition against the abortion mandate in health care: This coalition just released a stunning new video (above) showcasing many respected pro-life leaders voicing their concerns about President Obama's health care bill. Please forward this message to all of your family, co-workers, and friends so they can see this important video. Thank you for joining me in protecting and defending life! Charmaine Yoest Charmaine Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D. President & CEO P.S. Make copies of the flyers and hand them out to your friends and family at the town hall. Spread the truth about health care reform and why we must not end up with a health care system that preys on the most vulnerable in America. Real Health Care Respects Life. Visit our Real Health Care Respects Life website for more information.

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