Monday, June 21, 2010


Proof: Tax dollars going to abortions
Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow - 6/21/2010 6:00:00 AM
Members of Congress have received requested information from the General Accounting Office on how abortion organizations spend federal tax dollars.

Former Colorado Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave, who is now a spokesperson for the Susan B. Anthony List, takes a look at the pro-abortion groups.

"These individuals from these organizations say that they give choice to women," she remarks, "but when you look at these agencies that advocate for abortion or provide abortion, they received almost a billion dollars [in federal funds] from 2002 through 2009...."

Musgrave focuses on just one year of Planned Parenthood's spending of the money.

"They advocated/performed over 305,000 abortions, and then in other services they had $15,000 where they talked about prenatal care and then about $10,000 where they had worked with people for adoption."

According to those statistics, the majority of the U.S. tax dollars that year was used for abortions -- something the majority of American taxpayers have said repeatedly they are against. In addition, the organizations say they promote choice, but Musgrave argues that the stunning information in the GAO report proves otherwise.

Most pro-life pregnancy care centers receive no federal tax support.

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