Friday, June 25, 2010


Dear Friend of Life:

This is it.

We are now in the final countdown before the Senate Judiciary Committee begins its hearings next Monday on Elena Kagan, President Obama’s choice to replace Justice John Paul Stevens on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Since the nomination was announced, AUL Action’s legal experts have been researching Kagan’s record and sharing their findings with members of Congress and their staff. Those findings, all of which are available on the website of our sister organization, Americans United for Life, reveal a nominee whose appointment to the Supreme Court would have grave consequences both for the future of the unborn and for the well-being of American women.

Elena Kagan is a political operative with radical, pro-abortion views—and if confirmed would be an agenda-driven judge with a fill-in-the-blank approach to law.

Today, AUL Action is presenting the Senate Judiciary Committee with “Five Questions for Elena Kagan.” These questions, composed by our legal team, pinpoint key areas where the evidence shows that the nominee would likely rule against protecting Life.

Please go today to our AUL Action website where you can contact your Senators to urge that Kagan be asked five key questions next week.

You can see it’s going to be a long, hot summer here in Washington – especially when it’s up to us to put the heat on Congress to uphold the rights of the unborn and all Americans. Thank you for joining me in protecting and defending life.
Yours for Life,

Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D.
President & CEO
Americans United for Life Action

P.S. Please be sure to check out our new video on Elena Kagan’s judicial hero which is currently being featured on the Drudge Report. You can also join our Stop Kagan page on Facebook

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