Thursday, June 24, 2010


Dear Friend of Life,

For over a year, AUL has been fighting to prevent President Obama's health care reform from dramatically increasing the number of abortions in America. Since the health care bill passed in March, we have been focused on helping states opt-out of the explicit abortion provisions within the legislation.

I know you understand how terrible the consequences of this federal abortion funding would be. But do you know how much of your tax dollars are already funding the abortion industry?

A new report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released just this week shows that Planned Parenthood and other abortion industry groups received nearly $1 billion of our tax dollars between 2002 and 2009! Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider, received the lion's share of taxpayer funding (upwards of $657.1 million in federal funds), while the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute and Population Council raked-in hundreds of millions of tax dollars as well. And here's the scary part: all of this occurred before the anti-life forces legally had our tax dollars.

Of course, Planned Parenthood and its advocates claim that the money they have received from the federal government is not used to fund abortions - which would be illegal under the Hyde Amendment. The taxpayer dollars they receive are instead used to cover allowed expenses such as overhead and operational costs, thus freeing up other funds to promote and provide abortions.

Your taxes should never be used to prop-up the abortion industry. Will you stand with us against taxpayer-funded abortion by making an urgent, tax-deductible contribution of $50, $100, $250 or more? There's no limit to what you can give, and every dollar you contribute can be written-off as a charitable contribution for federal tax purposes.

While Americans United for Life cannot hope to match Planned Parenthood's budget, we are working to raise $360,000 by June 30th in order to continue our life-saving momentum.

While AUL continues to help states opt-out of taxpayer-funded abortion, we are also fighting to stop the confirmation of arguably the most pro-abortion Supreme Court nominee in history. There are only days to go before the Senate begins Elena Kagan's confirmation hearings. We only have this one chance to defend our nation's highest court from another enemy of life. But our window of opportunity is closing quickly - and we need you to act now!

If Americans United for Life meets our goal of raising $360,000 this week, we will have the resources needed to publicize Elena Kagan's horrific pro-abortion record to the American people. If we fail, Ms. Kagan could become a rubber stamp for Planned Parenthood and the abortion lobby. Please follow this link now to make an urgent, tax-deductible contribution of $50, $100, $250 or more. With your help, we can continue the fight against abortion in health care, against pro-abortion Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, and against all other threats to life.

Yours for Life,

Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D.
President & CEO
Americans United for Life

P.S. We must act now to stop taxpayer-funded abortion from becoming a permanent government institution. There's no limit to what you can donate to AUL, and every dollar you contribute can be written-off as a charitable contribution for federal tax purposes. Please follow this link now to make an urgent, tax-deductible contribution of $50, $100, $250 or more to help us meet our goal this week. Thank you for continued support of AUL - Charmaine.

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