Monday, September 21, 2009


Be a Part of the Defensive Line for Life!

Dear Friend,

I wanted to thank you for the many wonderful notes and messages about my meeting at the White House yesterday. I so appreciate your support and encouragement! Thursday afternoon, I did have the opportunity to meet with senior White House officials, including President Obama’s Domestic Policy Advisor, to discuss our concerns about the abortion mandate in health care reform.

In the discussion we focused on our key message: Real health care respects life . . . and the American people do not want to subsidize abortion as part of health care. AUL Staff Counsel Mary Harned joined me and we also delivered our petition of close to 40,000 petition signatures protesting the abortion mandate in the health care proposals. Thank you to each one of you who took the time to sign this petition!

Our discussion concentrated on how the abortion mandate works. Our legal team developed a simple chart for the meeting entitled “Understand the Abortion Mandate” that I think is just terrific - take a look at it here and share it with a friend. In the days ahead, as this political battle heats up, the pro-life movement has to stay informed and motivated.

Click here to view my interview on FOX News with Megyn Kelly:

The bottom line is this: we have to have a specific statutory amendment that includes an explicit ban on federal funding and coverage or we will be forced to subsidize abortion through health care reform.

These days I’m spending a lot of time on the weekends watching my son John play football and seeing the play unfold on the field makes me think of what I’m seeing on the political field: the abortion lobby is trying to run a trick play, with a little razzle-dazzle thrown in, to maneuver around the Hyde Amendment which has blocked abortion funding in the past.

We need a tough Defensive Line for Life! In the next few weeks to months, this battle is only going to get bigger and tougher. We need you to stay with us as we work to ensure that life is protected in health care reform. We will not give up and we will continue to fight vigorously any legislation that does not protect and defend the sanctity of life. Will you please take a minute to forward this email to a friend and make sure that they understand the abortion mandate?

Thank you for joining me in protecting and defending life!

For Life,
Charmaine Yoest Charmaine
Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D.
President & CEO

AUL in the News

* Washington Times op-ed: Is abortion health care, or is it not?
* Washington Examiner: Will ObamaCare cover abortions? Despite a promise, it's still unclear.
* CBN: David Brody: Pro-Life Group "Discouraged" After White House Health Care Abortion Meeting
* White House Mtg Doesn't Alleviate Concerns Over Abortion Funds in Health Care
* LifeSiteNews: White House Still Refusing to Endorse Abortion-Excluding Language in Health Care Bill
* Anti-Abortion Leader Says White House Meeting Doesn't Ease Concerns
* Anti-Abortion Advocate to Talk to White House
* CBS News: Busting A Myth About Roe v. Wade
* American Spectator: Mute Pro-Choicers
* National Review Online: "The Blackmun Myth: Prolifers Should Be Realistic About Their Short-term Goals"

Support AUL Action

Chicago: 310 S Peoria Street | Ste 500 | Chicago, IL 60607

Washington, DC: 655 15th St NW | Ste 410 | Washington, DC 2000

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