Monday, July 19, 2010


Join Us for a Special Protect Our Military Webcast tomorrow night, July 20
Webcast is free to the public. Please make plans to watch this important event.
July 19, 2010

Dear Londa,

On Tuesday, July 20th, at 8:30 p.m. EDT (7:30 Central), American Family Association and FRC Action will host a live video Webcast titled, "Mission Compromised: How the military is being used to advance a radical agenda." We've invited veteran military commanders, Members of Congress, policy experts, and grassroots leaders to join us live at our Washington, D.C. headquarters to help us assess the radical agenda hidden within the Defense Authorization Act.

President Obama and the Senate Democratic Leadership are using this legislation as a vehicle to force open homosexuality on the military. These politicians are disregarding the views of our military commanders and putting their political agenda ahead of the well-being of our troops. The bill also includes a provision that would overturn the ban on abortion in military installations -- both foreign and domestic.

Confirmed Webcast participants include:
Host: Tony Perkins, President, FRC Action
General John Sheehan (USMC, Ret.)
Senator Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) Member, Senate Armed Services Committee
Representative Todd Akin (R-Mo.), Member, House Armed Services Committee
Elaine Donnelly, President and Founder, Center for Military Readiness
Austin Nimocks, Senior Legal Counsel, Alliance Defense Fund
Bryan Fischer, Director of Issue Analysis for Government and Public Policy, American Family Association

In addition to briefing us on the significance of this legislation, our guests will answer viewer questions sent by you via SMS text or email.

Please plan now to watch Tuesday evening's Webcast. Together we will build a wave of opposition to protect the military from being used to advance a radical political agenda.

Ways to watch:
- Save this email and click here tomorrow evening
- Simply visit our homepage at

Please forward this announcement to your friends and family, especially service member families!


Tim Wildmon, President
American Family Association

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