Sunday, October 11, 2009


I am starting a Prayer Signing for my girlfriend's son who is fighting A.L.L. (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia).
Nick Doize, 16, has been fighting this insidious disease for more than 3-1/2 years. He is a student at Taylor High School in Katy, TX , but has been homebound for most of his high school years. He is one heck of a fighter and remains positive, despite everything he has endured.

This young man needs all the prayers he can get, because he is trying so hard to take the pain like a man, even though it is excrutiating. GOAL: 1000 + prayers / signatures from all over the country/world, so please sign(type) your name at the bottom of list below, say a prayer, and pass it on to as many people as you trust to forward this on. Once the list reaches a thousand people, please send this back to me at:

When I get to 1000, I am going to print it, & email it to his parents & him, so that he can see how many people care and have prayed for him to get better. If you have a heart at all, you will all do this as a disciple of God. I love this kid and believe the best way for us to help him heal is to do as Christ taught us --- Have Faith, Ask, and It shall be Given unto You.

Blessings to you all for your prayers.

Linda we will praying for Nick.

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