Thursday, October 15, 2009


1.3 million 'pink slips' delivered to Congress!
Grass-roots campaign targets massive new spending plans
Posted: September 28, 2009
8:19 pm Eastern

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

WASHINGTON – In just four days, an innovative campaign to alert Congress of widespread grass-roots opposition to massive new spending plans has delivered a message to Congress – "Are you listening to us?" 1.3 million times.

The campaign targets not only Congress's uncontrolled spending, but other objectionable and intrusive legislation and in just four days, some 1.3 million "pink slip
" notices have been dispatched to members of the House and Senate.

WND announced the "Send Congress a Pink Slip" campaign Friday and it has already reached more than one-fifth of its stated goal of 5 million notices, individually addressed, personalized with sender's name and address and delivered to all members of Congress by Fed Ex. Already, 1.3 million of the "pink slips" are on their way to Washington.

"This looks like a historic effort – comparable to the massive march in Washington, the tea party rallies and the town hall actions," said Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND. "I'm quite sure nothing like this has ever before been undertaken."

(Story continues below)

The idea was conceived by Janet Porter of Faith2Action and a WND weekly columnist.

"We set a goal of 5 million pink slips to members of Congress," she said. "We might even surpass that goal."

Porter said the highest priority of members of Congress is re-election. The campaign is designed to put them on notice that their hopes of staying in Washington are fading fast.

"There is a revolution brewing across this country," she said. "People are angry about losing their country and they are ready for action. This campaign is just the latest evidence."

The "Send Congress a Pink Slip" campaign ensures that a brief but poignant message will be delivered by Fed Ex to all 535 members of the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate – all for a remarkably low price based on economies of scale.

"We encourage citizens to take individual actions," said Farah. "But when we act as a group, it's more cost-effective and the results more dramatic. Just try Fed Exing members of Congress yourself and see what it costs. We have learned from past experience that Fed Ex actually ensures delivery to members. What they do with them at that point is their choice."

The program is based on several other successful programs of the past, including one last summer that delivered 705,000 letters to senators protesting a "hate crimes" bill dubbed by critics as "the Pedophile Protection Act."

"I believe this has the potential to be the most successful grass-roots effort in history," said Porter. "After all the town halls and tea parties and the massive demonstration in Washington, Congress still hasn't gotten the message. Now it's time to show them just how serious we are with a message aimed at what they most care about – getting re-elected."

The "pink slip" officials are getting is a warning that they work for the taxpayers. It lists four key issues that are deemed unacceptable to participants.

* government health care

* cap and trade

* "hate crimes"

* any more spending

"If you vote for any of these, your real pink slip will be issued in the next election," it warns.

The program permits participants to Fed Ex 535 individually addressed messages to members of Congress, each one with the name and address of the sender for a total price of $29.95.

"This is a program that only works with massive numbers of participants that bring paper and printing and shipping costs way down," explains Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND, which has conducted similar programs in the past – this one being the largest and most ambitious.

Send your pink slips to Congress now

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