Monday, January 25, 2010

Prayer Request

Prayer request for Gary and Cindy Hogman by way of Faith Presbyterian Church, Memphis , Tennessee . Gary is serving in Iraq while his young wife is fighting cancer here. ?See his Request below. From: Bobby S. Briggs, MSgt, USAF 823 ESFS/SFOC Flight Sergeant BAGHDAD AB, IRAQ My name is Gary Hogman. Some of you receiving this know me, some do not. My wife, Cindy, is 32 years old and has just been diagnosed with stage 4 Cervical cancer. Her chances for survival are very slim. She was pregnant with our second child and had miscarried recently at 3 Months; and now we know why. This is a request for you to forward this text to everyone you know askEing for prayer. The more people that pray for her to be healed, the better. Pray and forward. It only takes a second to hit 'forward.' Please do it and don't delete this. Your prayer can, and perhaps will, save her life. Please pray and ask

everyone you know to pray for a HEALING!
God Bless

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