Wednesday, November 25, 2009


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Every day in my office I have a regular routine when I arrive. I am always in thanksgiving to the Lord for blessing the ministry, my family and my partners. I then turn on my computer, and Fox News on the wide screen to the left of my desk. I keep the news on literally all day long, to observe any breaking report that may occur. In this manner, I can immediately research or make contact with people that may give more insight into the event(s). Often calls will come in with individuals asking questions about what is occurring.

Occasionally I have access to the Nelson Ratings that reveals the number of households watching a particular program. What is somewhat amazing is that out of the ten most watched cable news networks, Fox News has 6 of the top 10 programs. In fact Fox's lowest rated program often beats out MSNBC and CNN by thousands or even hundreds of thousands of viewers.

You may have heard about the verbal attacks going on with the present administration against Fox News. It seems that according to recent reports on the, Anita Dunn the White House Communications director said the administration now "controls" the news media (see Monday, October 19, 2009). It has been reported and proven by Glen Beck that certain networks are owned by businesses that stand to gain billions of dollars if the presidents green agenda and cap and trade pass. Thus, the media moguls express positive comments toward every movement and all legislation passed.

Recently, on the question was asked why the administration hates the Fox News Network. I suggest it is the only network that has individuals asking the tough questions that no one in DC wants to answer. I also suggest that it is the only network that is exposing the corruption of some of the Tzars, ACORN, and the double standard of hypocrisy among the know, the we pay our taxes but they don't pay them - kind of folks. Literally, no other major network exposes the frightening behind the scenes plan and people that are now in charge.

One of the main strategies being initiated is to paint anyone and everyone who disagrees with the president's agenda of government run health care, more bail out money, and higher taxes as a racist and anti-American. While just this accusation may intimidate a few from speaking out, most American's are too smart to fall for an untruth that is being propagated by the most liberal elitist donkey cons in U.S. history. It is a strategy to make a person feel "guilty" for disagreeing with our leaders. Recently on Manna-fest, when Bill Cloud revealed his expose of Ezekiel 20, he received very negative e-mails accusing him of being a bigot and racist. We just had to laugh at such a ludicrous charge. When ministers Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson lambasted Regan, Bush I and Bush II, were they being racists? I don't think so. They were simply giving their opinions as citizens and certainly have a right to do so, as do all Americans.

I learned something many years ago. Whenever a person or an organization becomes controversial, the public controversy actually draws more people who will listen, to or check out that person or organization. Thus, negative publicity is still publicity. The more they tell people not to watch Fox, the more people tune in to see what all of the fuss is about. While liberals love to dish it out it is apparent that they cannot take the heat in the kitchen or the sweat in the steam room.

I lived in Arlington, Virginia during the time of the Watergate fiasco. Richard Nixon was so angry at the articles being released by the Washington Post, that he chose to ban them from the White House. This only caused the Post to become more antagonistic against Nixon, and there was a daily barrage of reporting that eventually led to the impeachment of Nixon. At the time my father knew many high level workers in the government that predicted months before it happened that Nixon would step down.

During the Bush years, he could do nothing right according to the secular cable networks. Now, this administration can do nothing wrong according to the Network gods. If Bush were still in office, what would the press be saying about:

* The rising unemployment rate
* The continual loss of homes
* The American's dying daily in Afghanistan
* The government control of the auto industry
* The government control of the health industry
* The talk of taking over the internet

Oh, I can tell you what they would say, because they are saying it now. "It's all Bush's fault!" Should we be surprised? When Bush was in office, every day we heard the war in Iraq was failing. Now that there has been some success, oddly I have not heard one report in 6 months saying Bush, the generals and troops did a good job in Iraq. Also, Fox News has a large number of professing Christians on their programming. The other networks seem to lean antichristian, and very socialist in their motivations for reporting. Thus, we have the real root of the conflict: right against wrong, light against darkness, Christianity against humanism, capitalism against socialism and freedom verses control. My suggestion: Keep reading the Word, keep praying, keep being obedient to the Lord and when you want to watch the news, watch Fox for the truth that is being ignored by others. This is just my opinion.

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