Saturday, November 21, 2009

Calling for an Up or Down Vote to Raise the Debt Limit

Earlier this week, our nation’s debt topped $12 trillion, and it is expected to top the $12.104 trillion debt ceiling by the end of this month. According to recent press reports, Speaker Pelosi intends to attach language to increase the debt limit to the Fiscal Year 2010 Defense Appropriations Bill rather than holding a straight up-or-down vote on it.

This Congress has recklessly spent massive amounts of taxpayer dollars and continues to pass legislation that will add to a burden of debt our children will be forced to deal with. That is unacceptable. Members of Congress should not be allowed to avoid debating this controversial issue by attaching language to raise the debt ceiling to legislation that will fund our troops. These are the Washington games folks around the nation are sick and tired of and I have called on Speaker Pelosi to hold a clean up-or-down vote on increasing the debt limit.

Click here to watch my remarks at a press conference about this important issue.

Standing up for Taxpayers in Financial Services Committee
The Financial Services Committee has spent a great deal of time over the past month considering legislation proposed by Chairman Barney Frank (D-MA). Most of these issues are intended to reform the financial industry, but will further inject government into private industry.

I offered an amendment this week to prohibit further taxpayer-funded bailouts, but unfortunately, it failed on a straight party-line vote. Kansans did not cause the meltdown of the financial industry in our nation, and it’s time for Washington to stop forcing Kansans and taxpayers from around the nation to bailout these firms. I will continue fighting to protect taxpayers and to restore fiscal responsibility at a time when our nation needs it the most.

I was proud this week to also support an amendment offered by Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) to audit the Federal Reserve. Folks around the nation are responsible for accounting for every penny they come in contact with, and I believe as our central bank, the Federal Reserve should be held accountable as well. This amendment passed by a vote of 43-26.

Protecting Your Second Amendment Rights
I learned long ago to respect and value our constitutional right to bear arms and will fight to uphold that right as a Member of Congress. Earlier this week, I signed an amicus curiae brief to urge the Supreme Court to uphold our Second Amendment rights as it prepares to hear the case of McDonald v. City of Chicago. While this case specifically applies to the City of Chicago, it will affect the legality of restrictive gun laws around the nation. A favorable ruling would ensure that all law-abiding individuals, regardless of where they live, will have the right to bear arms. I was proud to sign this brief and will always fight to protect our Second Amendment rights.

Health Care has Moved to the Senate
The health care debate has moved over to the Senate and just this week, Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) introduced his legislation. I had hoped the Senate would introduce a responsible plan to reform health care, but unfortunately, it appears the Reid plan is another expensive government takeover of health care that will cost trillions, raise taxes and cut Medicare. I am also concerned that the Senate plan does not include the Stupak amendment to prohibit federal funding of abortion that passed in the House with an overwhelming bipartisan majority. I joined other House Members sending a letter to Speaker Pelosi insisting that the Stupak language be included in the final bill.

This Week in Kansas
Tonight I look forward to spending the evening with the Kansas Farm Bureau at their annual convention in Manhattan. I hope you will all tune into the Fox News Channel on Sunday afternoon at 3:00 to watch while I am on the America’s News Headquarters program.

I would also like to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving next week. I hope you are able to share this holiday with your loved ones and give thanks for all of the blessings we enjoy here in America.

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