Friday, November 6, 2009



Dear Londa,

This is the moment. Today is the day for taking a stand. We are on the eve of the vote on the U.S. House of Representatives pro-abortion health care bill H.R. 3962.

There is nothing more important right now than FLOODING our Congressmen with calls and e-mails insisting that they vote against using federal dollars for abortion funding.

This afternoon, pro-abortion House Leaders are expected to put forward a "Rule" which BLOCKS the only Pro-Life Amendment on the table, the Stupak-Pitts Amendment, from receiving a vote.

Instead, the "Rule" is expected to include the Ellsworth Amendment, which House Leadership has been falsely calling a "pro-life" amendment. The Ellsworth Amendment allows federal funding of abortion in the public plan and allows government subsidies to go to private plans that include abortion coverage.

Don't be fooled. Such a Rule would prevent any truly pro-life provision from being considered or included. The Stupak-Pitts Amendment is THE only provision that would truly exclude abortion funding, but we expect the Rule to bar a vote on the Stupak-Pitts Amendment.

If H.R. 3962 becomes law, it will do exactly what we have feared: It will create the largest expansion of abortion funding in over 30 years.

We only have TODAY! Don’t delay! Help us stop abortion funding under the guise of health care reform! Call House Leadership and call your Member of Congress!
Nancy Pelosi

Please call Rep. Lynn Jenkins at (785) 234-5966 and ask them to:

1) ON FRIDAY: Vote against the Rule -- It prevents the Stupak-Pitts pro-life amendment from getting a vote.

2) ON SATURDAY: Vote against H.R. 3962 – It is an unprecedented expansion of tax-payer funded abortions.

After you have contacted your Member of Congress, you’re not done yet. The battle is still on! Future unborn generations are counting on you:

1) Please forward this e-mail to FIVE friends to help make us make an impact!

2) Organize your friends and family to go to your Congressman's district office to insist that they vote AGAINST the House health bill and its abortion subsidies!

Stop the Abortion Mandate Ad3) On Saturday, stay tuned to our liveblogging and twittering of the debate on the House floor and the final vote on the House health bill. Tell your friends and family to follow us on your social networking sites.

4) Watch our new TV ad that premiered on CNN Headline News today! In collaboration with the Stop the Abortion Mandate coalition, we are educating America about the threat to life in health care reform.

Thank you for helping us show Congress and all Americans that Real Health Care Respects Life!
Charmaine Yoest

For Life,

Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D.
President & CEO

P.S. Please help us continue fighting through supporting our efforts to protect and defend life by following this link to a secure donation page.
P.S.S. You can follow me on Twitter and Facebook, and follow AUL on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. We're also reachable by e-mail at

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