Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A pastor debates a Muslim Jim Bramlett Mar 24, 2009 This is a true story.A Muslim cleric challenged a Christian pastor to debate on the merits of Islam vs. the merits of Christianity.The Muslim eagerly began. He ranted on and on how superior Islam is. After a long time, his belligerent tirade finally over, the Muslim closed by angrily challenging the pastor, "Now how do you respond to all that I said?"After that lengthy barrage of Islamic words, the pastor was not sure how would be the best way to make his case for Christ, so he prayed and asked God to show him what to say. God's supernatural answer quickly came. It was brilliant (of course) and divinely simple. As God can do, the Holy Spirit-inspired words cut like a knife and totally disarmed the Muslim, who had no answer. His mouth was closed. The answer given was the essence of the biblical revelation of God in Christ. In only four words, the pastor merely said, "My God loves me."Game, set, match. It was all over. Case closed."Love never fails" (1 Corinthians 13:8).

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