Saturday, March 21, 2009

Getting Real with God

Getting Real with God Real what is the meaning; Webster says - it's true/not imitation. At times we don't even get real with ourselves alone God. But, we should because He already knows us. He knows the time, minute you were born. He was there. He was there when you first crawled, and then stumble with your first steps. He was there when you started school, when you finished. He really know you. Like my sister would say cowboy up to it. Yes, make those few steps back and really look at what God has for you, what God knows about you. Your pride, your love for you family, your soft spot, chocalote.God knows how many hairs that is on your head and how many more you need to lose, that will make you balled. God make you!! He wanted you to grow. He wanted you to learn. To look for Him, that He could help His children. Didn't he send His only begotten Son? But, He loved you enough that He gave you a chose. Most parents push, & I do mean push there children into everything even if the child doesn't want it. God is not that selfish. He loves you. So, does the parents but, not like God does.God is always there. Not but a cry out away. God has put every answer in His Word. He promises us rest Matthew 11:28-30 28) Come unto me all ye that labour, & are heavy laden, & I will give you rest. 29) Take my yoke upon you, & learn of me, for I am meek & lowly in heart; & ye shall find rest upon your souls. 30) For my yoke is easy, & my burden is light Right here in Matthew 11:28-30 said that who labours & heavy laden He gives us rest. This is both a phyical & spiritual rest. A rest most will not know because they don't get real with God. We all try to hide our sins & spiritual needs. But you cannot hide them from God. Tell Him how you feel. Let Him know from you. That is one thing that He wants from us. To approch Him with everything! Needs, sorrow, happiness, in all things. He does answer prayer, but maybe not the way you want. God does know best! In Christ Name, AMEN & AMEN Rev. Londa Picard

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