Monday, March 23, 2009

C.H. Spurgeon from his book "All of Grace" Spurgeon has some very good points & that is why I'm passing it on. Pg. 119 & 120 "Paul also declares his experctation that the Corinthian saints would be "confirmed to the end blameless." This blamelessness is a precious part of our keeping. To be kept holy is better than merely to be kept safe. It is a dreadful thing when you see religious people blundering out of one dishonor into another; they have not believed in the power of our Lord to make them blameless. The lives of some professing Christians are a series of stumbles; they never quite down, & yet they are seldom on their feet. This is not a fit thing for a believer; he is invited to walk with God, and by faith he can attain to steady perseverance in holiness; and he ought to do so. The Lord is able, not only to save us from hell, but to keep us from falling. We need not yield to temptation. Is it not written, "Sin shall not have dominion over you?" The Lord is able to keep the feet of his saints; & he will do it if we will trust him to do so. We need not defile our garments, we may by his grace keep them unspotted from the world; we are bound to do this, "for without holiness no man shall see the Lord". "

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