Wednesday, September 29, 2010


IMAM BLOOMBERG'S SHARIA MOSQUE ! Mayor "Napoleon" Bloomberg and his backstabbing cronies (including Obama and Pelosi) must have a $tupendou$ rea$on for wanting a sharia-hugging mosque near Ground Zero - a mosque threatening the collapse of the Islamophile Democrats come November! God-haters and America-haters may not realize how high the collective temperature has now risen in the hearts of true American patriots - many of whom are now willing to die for America right here in America if they get pushed completely over the line by traitors! Since the nation's headquarters for treason is the White House, readers can enjoy related material if they Google "Obama Avoids Bible Verses" and "Obama Supports Public Depravity." (This police-protected kinkiness, observable by children, occurs in "Madam" Nancy Pelosi's brothel district; Google "Zombietime" and see "Up Your Alley Fair"!) Also Google "Sandra Bernhard, Larry David, Kathy Griffin, Bill Maher, Sarah Silverman" in addition to Googling "Obama...destined to become a black-slavery avenger." And by all means visit Googleland and type in "Government-Approved Illegals" and "Un-Americans Fight Franklin Graham." I hope Mayor Bloomberg, dressed as Napoleon, will thoroughly enjoy his mosquerade party! PS - Since Jane Fonda still loves leftist causes, here's a one-liner I penned during the Vietnam War era that the big Kansas City paper ran: "I'm not Fonda Jane; her Laosy remarks Hanoi me!" By a Kansas Patriot (who won FIRST PLACE over 2200 entrants in a nationwide Americanism Essay Contest !) [Read the above web item.]
Anonymous on FROM TOWNHALL on 8/25/10
Dear Anonymous & Readers

The government is already for a Civil War again. Fema Camps. There is a Hugh one in Kansas City, Kansas. Government has been training on check points (right now they say it's for drugs & drunk drivers). There is a lot of things out there that the United States Government is putting into place. PRE-GERMANY BEFORE WWI! America is like that right now. The Government wants the people of the United States to fight. President of the US then can call Marshall law. Plus, the US is also one step away from the President to become a dictator.  It's Hitler all over again!!   

Rev. Londa

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