Tuesday, September 28, 2010


A 'pledge' to turn out ObamaCare

Chad Groening - OneNewsNow - 9/28/2010 4:10:00 AM

An independent women's organization is calling on voters and candidates to sign a pledge committing to the repeal or replacement of ObamaCare.

A recent poll found that 73 percent of independent voters think it is important that the candidate they vote for this November supports repealing or replacing the unpopular healthcare law rammed through Congress earlier this year by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Barack Obama. The survey was conducted by Democratic pollster Doug Schoen for the Independent Women's Voice (IWV), an affiliate organization of the Independent Women's Forum.

IWV spokeswoman Charlotte Hays says her organization is encouraging citizens to sign its "ObamaCare Repeal Pledge" to hold candidates, incumbents, and voters accountable for overturning what IWV calls "government takeover of our medical care."

"This is an unusual election. Voters are really, really angry," she observes. "But what we've got to do is get these pledges on record. In a way, this is getting politicians' promises in writing -- and I think if we do this, it could have a great outcome."

Hays admits while repealing ObamaCare will be tough with Obama still in the White House, a new Congress can derail its effects. "The main thing the Republicans -- and don't forget those Democrats who voted against it -- can do is make sure that we choke it; that it doesn't get any money," she states.

The online pledge addresses more than the repeal or replacement of ObamaCare. It suggests alternative reforms such as giving control to patients and doctors, rather than to bureaucrats; honoring American traditions of freedom of choice and privacy; and encouraging continued innovation and investment in development of new medical treatments.

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