Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Someone close to me said the other day, 'I would rather be kind than right.' That statement grieved me so, but at the same time reminded me of those who still have a love for the Truth a love for Biblical doctrine. People get a funny notion about the word doctrine, but as the post below points out: Doctrine is the knowledge of God as revealed in Scripture. So many are shaking their rebellious angry fists, in the name of 'love' at Biblical doctrine at the knowledge of God as revealed in Scripture. These people are busy either adding to doctrine or taking away, not having a love for the Truth.

So here is more Scripture twisting from Warren along the same lines of, "I'd rather be kind than right", with an excellent response according to Biblical doctrine. See false (Warren) laid right beside Truth (those horrid words again!!- Biblical doctrine)

Rick Warren twists Scripture with this tweet:

Warren Tweeting Doctrine of Devils

Doctrine and Duty? God wants my love? Let's take a look at the other half of the verse that Rick Warren failed to tweet:

Hosea 6:6 For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.

Hosea chapter 6 speaks to the unrepentant tribes of Judea and Ephraim. Both had broken God's covenant that was forged at Mt. Sinai. A covenant that not only promised a new land, but a covenant that would teach the Hebrews who the One True God is and who they would be as a new nation. As a witness to the nations. The nation known as Israel, governed by God.

In John 14:21 Jesus highlights the connection between having and keeping commands ( doctrine driven obedience) and love toward God:

21 The one who has My commands and keeps them is the one who loves Me. And the one who loves Me will be loved by My Father. I also will love him and will reveal Myself to him.

The knowledge of God as revealed in the Scriptures, otherwise known as doctrine, is essential to a steadfast love of God. A body of doctrine that is first preached. A body of doctrine that regenerates those called by God. A doctrine that would produce faith, obedience, love and the manifold gifts of the Spirit.

Christian, are you governed by God or by a program driven by romantic notions of spirituality and mere human caliber?

Source Watcher's Lamp

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Today there are a lot of people/ministers living out the full word of God & twist it to make a wrong doctrine. The world church is coming in if you want it or now. But, please be aware. Read the bible just don't take somebodies word. That goes for me also.

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