Wednesday, March 24, 2010



Compassion - (noun) com-pas-sion

American Heritage Dictionary -
Deep awareness of the suffering of another; coupled with the wish to relieve it.
sympathetic - sad concern for some misfortune, commiseration, condolence, empathy, pity, sympathy,

Hebrew - burst forth compassion, mercy.
Hebrew root - The bowels are the seat of compassion
AHLB - With in this wall is the family clan, a place of freedom.

Greek - Latin derivative -Sympathy is the Greek form.
Com - with, passion - suffer = Suffer with.

Luke 23:34A
Then Jesus said, "Father, forgive them for they do not know what they do."

Think about this for a minute; there is a INNOCENT man who just had to carry His own cross after being wiped, a thorn of crowns upon His head, His feet & hands pierced, dieing . And He looks up to God & ask for compassion on the people who is murdering Him.
I would be up there saying curse these jerks. I sure wouldn't be saying what Jesus said; "forgive them for they do not know what they do." What would you have said? Could you do it?

The words of Jesus was way beyond that any human heart is capable of giving. Our human heart cannot forgive our own family's for doing things alone somebody murdering us.

That is compassion!! Compassion reaches further than the law does; further than the demands of a judge. Compassion reaches to the heart of life, to the secret of our being. The compassion of Jesus was the divine secret that made Him lovable. As the Greek meaning He "suffer With". Which means he suffer with them! Not only with His own suffering He was suffering with them.

If you mix the Greek & Hebrew together He suffered deep down in His bowels for them hanging from that cross for you & me!!!


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