Friday, March 19, 2010


Life Counts: Today May Be Your Last Chance

Dear Friend of Life:

You have heard from me often this week because we are facing the most dangerous pro-abortion threat since Roe v. Wade. For many of you, this is the single most significant threat to Life in your lifetime. I am hearing that the House of Representatives will vote on health care legislation this Sunday. If that happens, today may be your last chance to be heard.

For that reason, I am asking that you forward this email to everyone you know.

The district offices of many of your Representatives are not open during the weekend, so you need to find a way to make a personal visit today.

If you click below you will be taken to AUL Action’s homepage. There, you can download a flyer that we have created, write a personal message, and hand it to someone in your Congressman or Congresswoman’s local district office.

I want to continue to urge you to do this – your visit could make the difference. Tell your Representative that Life Counts and a NO vote is the ONLY vote on health care.

One more thing – we are looking to let everyone online know that Life Counts – and you can help. We have created an image that you can use on Twitter and Facebook to show your support for Life in this pivotal moment.


Also, please continue to send your photos and videos of your personal visits to We love hearing from you.

For Life,

Charmaine Yoest


Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D.
President & CEO
Americans United for Life Action

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