Sunday, March 21, 2010


Dear Friend of Life,

I am writing to you from inside the US Capitol building. And I wanted to give you an update and also tell you about a special last-minute need for action.

Tension is high here in the buildup to tonight's vote. As I write I can hear protestors outside. You may have heard the news reports that some pro-life Members of Congress are being offered a “deal” from the White House on health care reform legislation. That is true. In exchange for a “yes” vote on this bill, President Obama promises to issue an executive order that he claims will address our concerns about taxpayer funding for abortion.

Let me be clear, this will not prevent taxpayer-funded abortion.

Here is a statement I made to members of the press.

Here is detailed legal analysis from Senior AUL Action attorney Bill Saunders from today’s Washington Examiner.

Friends, please do NOT believe news reports that this fight is over. It isn't over until the last vote is counted!

If you live in their districts, please call these eight Members of Congress immediately to encourage them to stand strong for Life. Let them know that the only acceptable way to stop taxpayer-funded abortion is a NO vote. Implore them not to take any “deal” on an executive order.
Please also take a moment to forward this email to anyone you know who lives in these districts.

Rep. Marion Berry(D, AR) - (202) 225-4076

Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper (D, PA) - (202) 225-5406

Rep. Paul Kanjorski (D, PA) - (202) 225-6511

Rep. Mike Michaud (D, ME) - (202) 225-6306

Rep. Earl Pomeroy (D, ND) - (202) 225-2611

Rep. Bobby Rush (D, IL) - (202) 225-4372

Rep. Vic Snyder (D, AR) - (202) 225-2506

Rep. Bart Stupak (D, MI) - (202) 225-4735

Rep. Harry Teague (D, NM) - (202) 225-2365

AUL Yours for Life,
Charmaine Yoest
Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D.
President & CEO
Americans United for Life Action

Washington DC: 655 15th St NW | Ste 410 | Washington, DC 20005
Chicago: 310 S Peoria Street | Ste 500 | Chicago, IL 60607

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