Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Glenn Beck: American Revival
[Insider] Audio Available:

February 8, 2010 - 12:44 ET

Learn more about Glenn Beck's American Revival...

GLENN: I want to make an announcement that our you know, I talked to you in the fall about going out and doing these stadium shows, if you will, or these arena shows that would be conventions, and everyone believes that I'm going to go all politics on you, and I'm not. I'm going in a completely different direction, in a direction that I think personally I mean, I don't know. Honestly we've got a lot of money, a lot of money rolled up into these things and I looked at my business partner the other day and I went, and maybe nobody goes. We may not sell a single ticket. We could be completely off base to where the American people are today but this is where I think we should be. He said, that's not really something you tell me, at this point. Maybe you tell me that six months ago. And I said, yeah, yeah, probably would have been a good idea.

But here it is. The American Revival. Announcing today tickets go on sale for Insiders on Wednesday. This is an eight hour all day event and it's going to be happening in two different places. These are the first two. They may be the last two. I don't know. Everybody is going to talk to you this spring and summer and fall about politics and the right candidate and the tea parties are teaching you how to get involved and how to have your own, you know, grassroots effort. I will tell you that I don't know, I don't know why I feel so strongly on this, but I feel strongly. I felt like we needed to leapfrog that because I think that is a waste of time in many ways. I mean, I don't say, you know, you've got to be involved and you've got to, you know, do all those things. But the only thing that's really going to save our country is to reconnect with the truth. The truth of who we are, where we came from, what the truth is on the economy, and you are certainly not going to get that. You are not going to get that anywhere. There are 20 different ways this country and the world, the global economic situation can change overnight. 20 different ways. And they are all likely. You must prepare yourself. Right now everybody's talking about charity, we've got to get more charity, we've got to get more charity, Obama's, you know, trying to teach us how to be charitable. You know how we are charitable? We're the most charitable people on the planet. Do you know why? Because we're the richest people on the planet and we have personal responsibility. Because of the Constitution we can go and we can live our dreams, we can create. We can be a slug or we can be Bill Gates. If it wasn't for the Constitution, how many vaccines wouldn't be funded today because of Bill Gates? If it wasn't for the Constitution, could he have done what he did any place else? Could he have become that rich and given this much money to charity? How about the Huntsman cancer center? Because of the Constitution this man could become wealthy and then you get to choose. You want to do AIDS research, Haiti, you want to, you know, knit socks, whatever. It's up to you. It is an eight hour event. You and I on stage with three different experts. David Barton is going to be the first one and we're going to talk about the meaning of faith in America. All the lies that you have been told, that this isn't a nation of faith, that religion played no role. I'm you will be stunned when you learn and see the real history that is no longer taught. Hope. Hope comes from the truth. And you don't have the truth, you have false hope and that's what we have now. David Buckner will be joining me on stage to talk a little bit about the truth of the economy and how do you actually prepare because we need leaders. We need people that have something left to be able to lead us out. And charity. Faith, hope and charity. Charity comes from the individual. You do any kind of charity you want. You want to be charitable? Understand the Constitution. Judge Napolitano is going to be joining me for the third part of it and then you and I are going to have a talk afterwards. It's an eight hour event. You better bring a pencil. March 27th is the first event. It's at UCF Arena in Orlando. March 27th, UCF Arena. Then the Jobbing arena in Phoenix April 10th. Those are the only two days, if nobody comes those will be the only two dates. But those are the two dates that we have now. Orlando, UCF Arena, March 27th. April 10th at the jobbing arena in Phoenix. You can go to GlennBeck.com for all the details and tickets. Presale is this Wednesday at the Insider. Public sale starts a week from today, Monday, the 15th. And I want you to know we're not charging $500 a seat. It's usual ticket price, is it usual ticket pricing? Is that what we finally decided? Yeah. I wanted to make it as cheap as we could but then I was making all these things on stage more and more expensive and so we have usual ticket pricing. It's what we normally charge for a 90 minute show. This is an eight hour experience all day and you are going to, you come out with a binder full of stuff. It is really for the serious. If you are serious about, I want to be a leader in America, I know that we're unsustainable, I know that we have problems here and I can't sit by idly and tell my grandkids I did nothing. If you really want to learn and fix it, I have a direction for you. I'd like you to spend the day with me and commit yourself to reviving America. An American revival, details at GlennBeck.com.

“Give up money, give up fame, give up science, give the earth itself and all it contains rather than do an immoral act. And never suppose that in any possible situation, or under any circumstances, it is best for you to do a dishonorable thing, however slightly so it may appear to you... From the practice of the purest virtue, you may be assured you will derive the most sublime comforts in every moment of life, and in the moment of death.”

- Thomas Jefferson, 1785

Thomas Jefferson said a number of memorable things about the young country of America and what it truly meant to be an American, but the above sentiment holds a special meaning. It speaks not to our laws or freedoms, but to the noble character and human spirit that lies at the heart of our laws and freedoms. Jefferson is telling us that morality and honor should be cherished and preserved, for without them all else is lost.

Sadly, today Jefferson’s words fall on deaf ears in our halls of power, and the key to turning this country around lies in returning to the bedrock values that were instilled by our Founding Fathers and inspired by our creator. Glenn Beck’s American Revival is the beginning of that process--a daylong event with the goal of reviving Jefferson’s beliefs and your country. Through the lessons learned from our history and the real stories behind today’s headlines, Glenn and his guests will return your attention to the fundamental ideals of Faith, Hope and Charity to engage the your passion and show once and for all that it’s not “they the politicians” but we the people who have the power to restart the heart of America.

This event is unlike any other Glenn has ever undertaken—it’s a full day of Glenn Beck—he’s the explosive opener, the grand finale, and an integral part of every moment in-between. Of course, even Glenn needs to take a breath now and then. That’s why he’s proud to be joined for this landmark occasion by…

David Barton, founder of WallBuilders, an organization dedicated to presenting America's forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on our moral, religious, and constitutional heritage. David will speak to the importance of Faith, and America’s proud history as a religious nation.

David Buckner, an economist, and a professor of organizational leadership at Columbia University. David will focus on the economy, the importance of Hope, and the truth about the economy--what’s really coming and how to prepare yourself for the reality that’s being ignored by the mainstream media.

Andrew P. Napolitano, a former New Jersey Superior Court Judge and now a respected analyst on political strategy and Constitutional law. Andrew will address Charity, and how the preservation and strengthening of the Constitution is inextricably linked to the health and survival of our nation, as well as our ability to be charitable.

Glenn Beck’s American Revival has one goal in mind—to provide a place where you can find information, inspiration, and preparation. It’s really that simple. One day to help prepare you for all those that come after. Remember—this is and always has been a country by, of and for the people, and the most meaningful change has always come from the Faith, Hope and Charity of Americans just like you. We’ve got a long way to go to get America back on track, and every long journey begins with that first small step. Let’s take it together.

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