Friday, April 24, 2009

Hate Crimes

If the Christian population didn't make the Gay's feel guilty of the sin, they wouldn't push. Christians don't hate Gay's it's the SIN we hate. Any SIN we hate. Not just the life style that the Gay's have. Porn is a SIN. Us Christian should hate that also. But, more and more men & women are getting porn, even using small children to get off on. To me that is the sickness of the human race. It's living for ME, ME, Me, Me, ME, ME! The heck with you, if it feel right do it. Who cares if it hurts others, I'm the only one who counts. NO!! you are not the only one who counts. The only one who really counts is our Maker. God! A lot of things people do is a sin and has down falls. We don't hate the person we hate the SIN. That is a big big & totally different matter. CHRISTIANS ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD!! When the light is taken out it is totally dark. Drive in the country some time and see how dark it can be. The HATE CRIME IS AGAINST US CHRISTIANS!!! They call Christian bash all the time. But if you comment SIN's your wrong. Or if you have different gods that's fine. But if you have the ONE TRUE GOD. YOUR WRONG! THAT IS A HATE CRIME!!!!! They call it the grass root movement instead of Christians standing up for their rights. White's has the KKK, black's has the Black Panters, Muslim has even bigger hatred, CHRISTIANS WANTS PEOPLE TO KNOW THE ONE TRUE GOD. NOT FALSE god's!!! Our MAKER. We as Christians still need to hate sin!! Not the person who does it. It isn't to great when any body tries to push their SIN on anybody else. SIN Is SIN WHITE Is WHITE, YELLOW iS YELLOW, BLACK IS BLACK, BLUE IS BLUE, I don't care if your a different race, the race we have is the human race... And we need to remember that! A fool is a fool and they say there is no God'. The only fool i'm a fool for is the ONE TRUE GOD. WE NEED TO LOOK AT THE WORLD THROUGH GOD'S EYES, NOT OUR OWN. WE LOVE THE PERSON BUT HATE THE SIN!!!!!!

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