Monday, November 3, 2008

Question & Answers Perry Stones Book

Question 3: I helped my husband receive Communion for several weeks before he passed away. I began feeling that it really doesn't work, or my husband would have been healed. Can you help me with this? Answer: I do not know the circumstances of the situation with your husband, so I cannot address your particular issue directly. It is as important, however, for the person receiving Communion to have faith as it is for the one giving the Communion Supper. "Will...unbelief make the faithfulness of God with out effect? Certainly not (Romans 3:3, 4)! We all have to remember that it is appointed unto men once to die (Hebrews 9:27) If we receive Communion everyday, and live to be 100, eventually we will die. Communion cannot keep a person alive forever. The second point I want to make is that a person can enter the kingdom of heaven, even if he dies from sickness. The Bible says of a great prophet: Elisha had become sick with the illness of which he would die (2 Kings 13:14) If a person does all he can to be healed, and passes away, we must trust the Lord that He knows what is best and has deeper plans, of which we are not aware. One must not miss the true, personal meaning of the Communion= to bring the believer into a more personal and intimate relationship with Christ." Please, get the book "The Meal that Heals" by Perry Stone. It's really a good book!!!!! Love Rev. Londa

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