Monday, November 3, 2008

Proverbs 1:27-33

27) When your terror comes like a storm, And your destruction comes like a whirlwind, When distress and anguish come upon you. 28) Then they will call on me, but I will not answer; They will seek me diligently, but they will not find me. 29) Because they hated knowledge And did not choose the fear of the Lord. 30) They would have none of my counsel And despised my every rebuke. 31) Therefore they shall eat the fruit of their own way. and be filled to the full with their own fancies. 32) For the turning away of the simple will slay them, And the complacency of fools will destroy them; 33) But whoever listens to me will dwell safely, And will be secure, without fear of evil. I know a lot of people doesn't believe in the end time coming, that we're all crazy. I rather be crazy for the Lord then be attacked by evil. God promises us if we will listen to Him we will dwell in His safety, & will be secure. We don't have to fear evil. We cannot live like satan himself, we need to listen to God and live His way!! Oh, you say there is no fun in God. Oh, yes there is!! Getting with a wonderful church group who has actives. The learning of the Lord!! If you keep going your own way God calls you a fool and you say there is no God. Start seeking God and wisdom. You cannot go wrong. It would be better for you to live with God then to be fools and live like satan. You will not go wrong doing that. You would also bring wholeness unto your soul & spirit. Not a dieing soul & spirit but life. Just take a momment and think about that. It would be better wrong with Christ, then dead wrong with satan. IN CHRIST NAME & LOVE AMEN Rev. Londa

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