Tuesday, September 30, 2008

From Rev. Londa Picard

I do not do this blog to make money. I do not get money for trying to preach the Word of God or give information out from other sources. Such as Jim Bramlett. I am a Pastor please, look in my information everything is there. None of it is a lie. I'm here because I love God. That is it. I will not take money for my ministry. My ministry is my blog. And if only one person reads this that is fine. I hope they will get something out of it. That would make me very happy. I am not trying to mis-lead anybody. I love each and everyone of you who reads my blog. And I want to thank you so, much for doing that. I pray that it blesses you not upset you. I'm not here to do that either. I love the United States, I was born & raised here. My family history just in Kansas goes back to 1840's and before that out east for more. I don't believe a muslin should run our country. I have not found anything good about him. That is why I have been placing thing about Sarah Palin on my blog from Jim Bramlett. If I had my choose for somebody to run our country I would pick either Mr. Bill Cosby or Robin Williams. They're real people. Thank You for listening to me. In Christ Jesus Rev. Londa Picard

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