Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Obama's Plan: Trickle Up Poverty

Barack Obama is a serious threat to the American way of life as we now know it. How you may ask? Through the impoverishment of the Middle Class our taxes are going up, health-care has been socialized, and the government is getting more control over our lives. The military is losing funding to pay for horrendous domestic programs while our troops must defend themselves through politically correct Rules of Engagement. New financial regulations are lining the pockets of Obama's campaign contributors while our wages along with stock prices plummet. The border with Mexico is becoming more porous as the Administration continues to neglect illegal immigration.

Bestselling author, conservative icon, and popular radio host Dr. Michael Savage lays it all out on the line in his newest book Trickle Up Poverty: Stopping Obama's Attack on Our Borders, Economy, and Security. He argues that ignoring the Tea Party is a colossal mistake on the part of Obama, and the will of the people demands a more representative government. We are dangerously close to losing this country unless something is done immediately. If you're concerned with the direction of this country, this is the book for you. Get Townhall Magazine today and receive Trickle Up Poverty: Stopping Obama's Attack on Our Borders, Economy, and Security by Michael Savage absolutely free!

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