Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Wednesday, November 17th, 2010

This Week's Feature

The Fine Print: Unraveling the Health Care Law and Abortion

President Obama’s health care law states that all insurance companies will have to cover preventive care for women. However, the law doesn’t define preventive care.

Members from the Institute of Medicine (part of the government’s National Academy of Science) will hear this week from a number of pro-abortion advocates about preventive care – which could be defined to include drugs that cause abortion.

Members of AUL’s legal team will be joining other pro-life advocates to fight such an interpretation, and will be there arguing the legal angles on such a drastic change. For more on that, click here.

On The Docket

Hope Clinic for Women v. Adams

AUL has been defending the right of parents in Illinois to be notified before their minor child can obtain an abortion. In 1995, the Illinois General Assembly enacted the Parental Notice of Abortion Act, which has been held in legal limbo ever since. The ACLU has filed multiple challenges, and this week, AUL’s legal team will be filing an amicus brief on behalf of the Illinois legislators.

The ACLU claims there is “no justification” for involving parents. AUL points to studies that reveal that parental involvement laws decrease minor abortion and birth rates. Many studies also show that abortion has a particularly harmful impact on minors, both physically and psychologically.

Mr. Smith goes to Washington

This week, the newly elected congressmen head to Washington, D.C. to begin their orientation. Stay tuned for reports from Capitol Hill as AUL works with the Members to put pro-life promises into action.

Dr. Charmaine Yoest, President and CEO, began the process of meeting with House and Senate members, and observed: “Thousands of people across America invested in the campaigns of this next generation of leaders, and we believe that they can make a difference for Life. AUL will be there to promote laws that protect us all, born and unborn.”

Hot Off the Presses

For legal analysis and a Washington, D.C. insider’s perspective on the most significant events regarding life issues, AUL’s William Saunders pens the “Washington Insider,” a column featured regularly in the National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly.

William L. Saunders is the Senior Vice President of Legal Affairs at Americans United for Life. A graduate of Harvard Law School, he writes frequently on issues of life, law and policy, and in this extensive analysis, he takes on critical issues like whether the health care law allows for taxpayer funded abortion and what can be done to stop such a change in the law.

To read more, click here.

Life in the News

Politico reports on concerns from AUL and others over who will get powerful committee chairmanships

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