Saturday, November 13, 2010


Heritage Action Urges GOP Senators to Support Earmark Ban


Last week, Americans told Washington that they are tired of business as usual. One of the biggest issues in the election was our government's inability to control its spending appetite. The earmarking process is a prime example of this spending problem.

On Tuesday, newly elected and returning Republican Senators will debate and adopt internal conference rules, which will guide their caucus throughout the 112th Congress. They must embrace this opportunity if they are to demonstrate their commitment to changing Washington. Republicans Senators should adopt a two-year moratorium on earmarks.

Across the country, thousands of activists like you are calling their Republican Senators and Senators-elect to urge them to support the earmarks moratorium. If you have friends in states with Republican Senators, urge them to make the call.

Senators have the chance to start changing the way they do business and prove they understood the message you sent on election day. Stay tuned to Heritage Action for the latest on this fight to ban earmarks in the US Senate.


Michael A. Needham

Chief Executive Officer

Heritage Action for America

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