Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Dear Friend of Life,

Time Is Of The Essence

Only seven days remain until the most important election for pro-life voters in recent memory.

Time is of the essence. Only seven days remain until the most important election for pro-life voters in recent memory.

Planned Parenthood and the enemies of life have gone into overdrive as they desperately try to cling to power. They are fighting back as they are determined to preserve taxpayer-funded abortion in health care. Taxpayer-funded abortion is the cornerstone of anti-life policy and the enemies of life will do anything and everything to save it. We must fight back.

Will you act now and make a generous contribution of $50, $100, $250, or more to our "Life Counts" initiative? As you know, we are targeting the twelve seats that could determine whether or not we have a pro-life House. Every dollar you contribute will help us sustain our pro-life momentum.

Make no mistake about it: these twelve seats are winnable and the American people are prepared to usher in a tidal wave of change that could reverse taxpayer-funded abortion in health care. Americans overwhelmingly reject the White House's "health care" scheme that forces you to pay for abortions under the guise of insurance coverage. And they reject Washington's back-room deals and attempts to turn American military installations into abortion clinics.

It's time to kick the enemies of life out of Congress. However, we haven't yet met our fundraising target for the "Life Counts" campaign. We have raised $85,000 of our $125,000 goal, but need to raise the remaining $40,000 almost immediately to impact these 12 key races. So please stand with us and make a generous contribution of $50, $100, $250, or more to our "Life Counts" initiative right away.

With your urgently needed help, we can change all this. We can restore a pro-life Congress and we can beat Planned Parenthood.

The time to act is now. Tomorrow is too late.

Yours for Life,

Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D.

President & CEO

Americans United for Life Action

P.S. So remember: the 12 targets of our "Life Counts" campaign voted for – or endorsed – the largest expansion of taxpayer-funded abortion in American history. Their seats will determine whether or not we have a pro-life House in the next Congress. But we need to raise another $40,000 almost immediately to impact these 12 key races. So will you immediately invest in our campaign to defeat the enemies of life and restore a pro-life Congress? I'm counting on your urgently needed support. The clock is ticking and there are only seven days remaining. – Charmaine

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