Tuesday, May 17, 2011


You know as well as I do that freedom doesn’t get denied all at once.

It gets eroded, piece by piece, over time.

Establishment Republicans are insisting on 6 more years of the badly misnamed “Patriot Act.”

Six more years of giving agencies like the ATF and DHS the authority to name anyone and everyone they wish as a “terrorist.”

These are the same Republicans who ran for office with a stance on “limited government.”

The only things “limited” by the so-called Patriot Act are the rights of people like you and me.

H.R. 1800, the bill introduced last Friday, would extend until December of 2017.

This Fourth Amendment shredding act allows the authorities to tap your phone and intrude on your privacy just by the simple act of labeling you as a “domestic terrorist.”

And remember what Big Sis Janet Napolitano said…

… right-wing, gun-toting veterans are the worst terrorists out there.

They are “radical extremists.”

That’s all it takes to have your Constitutional liberties stripped from you without a warrant or your knowledge.

I know that, like me, you don’t want Big Brother and Big Sister snooping around your private lives.

But this extension would give them six more years of being able to do just exactly that.

Roving, warrantless wiretaps of virtually EVERY form of electronic communication used by U.S. citizens.

Secret federal searches without warrants OR knowledge of the resident.

Blanket warrants for the search and seizure of all library records, without naming individual suspects or providing probable cause.

Judicial warrants replaced with “National Security Letters” signed by unaccountable Obama Administration bureaucrats and gag orders for those served with these letters which make it illegal to tell anyone about it — including your spouse and your priest!

Drastic expansion of the definition of “domestic terrorism,” which is sure to include gun owners.

Expands asset seizure to permit the taking of assets from anyone “suspected” of terrorism, even if that person is NEVER charged or sent to trial.

Lone wolf provisions which allow the government to spy on ANYONE even if they’re not associated with a terrorist organization or foreign national, without due process or notification.

And the fact that House Republicans, who are supposedly on the “right” side, brought this to the floor makes me wonder about their true loyalties.

Are they to the people, or the establishment?

I won’t sit by quietly and wonder.

I will call them and make my voice heard…

Will you make your voice heard?

Please call your members of Congress at (202) 224-3121 and tell them to stand for freedom and liberty and oppose H.R. 1800, the reauthorization of the Patriot Act.

Once you’ve called your Congressman, click here to chip in $15 or $20 to the National Association for Gun Rights. Your financial support helps us keep fighting the anit-gunners in Washington.

Make sure your member of Congress knows where you stand. Give him or her a call and demand that they support freedom and liberty by opposing the re-authorization of the Patriot Act.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown

Executive Director

National Association for Gun Rights

P.S. The National Association for Gun Rights is working overtime trying to get these alerts out to true patriots like yourself. Chip in $10 and help me continue this fight. The National Association for Gun Rights will not compromise when it comes to your freedom.


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