Wednesday, October 6, 2010


City bans 'Christmas' in favor of 'holiday' parade - War against Christmas starting already

October 5, 2010

Dear Londa,

The city of Richmond, Virginia, has turned coward because the new sponsor of its annual parade wants to ban the word "Christmas."

When Dominion, an energy company, took over sponsorship of the parade, it told the city it no longer wanted to use "Christmas" as part of the parade name. Instead, Dominion said it will be known as the "Dominion Holiday Parade."

AFA immediately send an Action Alert into the states where Dominion operates. Thousands have taken action against this anti-Christmas company by contacting them.

We will win this battle...and many more like it.

Companies need to know you will stand up for the meaning of Christmas. As Christians, we can remind everyone that Christ is the true meaning of Christmas by being a witness.

Say "Merry Christmas" to your friends, your church, your school or your whole community by giving away these beautiful Christmas buttons.

Order enough buttons to give to your family, friends and fellow church members. Urge them to "Wear 'em, Share 'em." These simple buttons represent a way that we can be salt and light in our secular culture.

Display Box

Church Packs

Buttons & Stickers
It is very important that you forward this alert to your friends and family members.


Tim Wildmon, President

American Family Association

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