Monday, October 11, 2010


17 He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done.

Do you give to the poor? Do you buy food for the poor? Do you give clothes to the poor? Do you listen to the poor?
Or is the poor invisible to you? You don't see them. Do you see the disable, who cannot bring in income of only $500.00 a month to live on. For seniors who gets that amount also? Can you live on $500.00 a month. A lot of these people don't get foodstamps. They didn't ask to be old or disable. Some of them may be your own parents. Have you lost contact with them. Are their homes falling apart? Have you given them a helping hand? Bought them grocery? Help pay their electric bill, heating?

Proverbs 19:17
says to be kind to the poor, as your giving to the LORD. Churches have forgotten the poor, the disable, the shut-ins, seniors. Their to busy trying to raise money for a bigger church or something bigger or newer. The Church
is to be there for the poor. I'm not talking about people who are on drugs just living off others. I'm talking about people who are truly in need. Where they cannot work, not the will not's.

Have you adopted a family in need?? Not just once a year but the whole year?? Have you helped out a single mom? A soldiers Wife?? Their family? Saying a kind word? Reading the Bible to them? Widows?

Helping any of the people I mention you help the LORD. You lend it to Him & yes, He does reward you for it.  Open your hearts. 

Stop & pray about this? You know what the LORD would do. It's your turn now to become an agent of the LORDs.

In Christ Jesus Name
Amen & Amen
Rev. Londa

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