Friday, July 2, 2010


Can there be a Christian nation?
Dr. Michael Youssef - Guest Columnist - 7/2/2010 7:35:00 AM
Recently I was challenged by a dear friend who questioned my use of the phrase "Christian nation." His question was: "How can you say America is a Christian Nation? How can a country be Christian?"

In many ways, he's right. A country, or even a culture, cannot be Christian — only individuals can be Christians. However, when people speak of America's Christian heritage, they often are referring to the moral character of our nation which is reflected in its laws and ordinances — both of which bear the distinct markings of Christianity.

Make no mistake about it: the moral character of a nation, as expressed in its policies and laws, can evoke God's response. I don't mean that our heavenly Father would send fire and brimstone from heaven in response to a nation that embraces ungodly laws and policies. But He can and will withdraw His protection from a people who once declared Him as their Lord and then become rebellious and an immoral affront to Him.

After September 11, our nation appeared to go through a soul-searching process. People began to ask, "Are we protected by God anymore?" And superficially, the nation appeared to enter into a spiritual revival. Even members of Congress from both parties stood on the steps of the Capitol and sang "God Bless America." But that repentance was cheap and short-lived. It was merely a reaction emanating from fear. In other words, the "revival" was birthed from fear of the unknown and worry that our country was no longer safe.

We read in Scripture how many times Israel went through the motions of repentance and renewal — mostly in times of crisis — only to discover the shallowness of their commitment to obeying and submitting to God. The temporary filling of church pews after September 11 was no different.

Let me be absolutely clear, America is not "the new Israel," but the lessons we learn from Israel of old can be of immense importance today. Many pastors in pulpits across the United States are declaring that we are now entering another cycle of God's patient attempts to get our nation's attention. We are being made aware once again of His desire for this generation of Americans to return to Him and to the faith of our Founding Fathers.

As believers, we should know and believe deeply that God desires for our leaders and judges to repent for shedding the blood of the unborn. A loving heavenly Father is waiting for them to repent for approving and sanctioning sins that are abominations to Him. God desires for His children to repent from the spirit of materialism and placing our hope in possessions.

The Lord's desire for His people is to stop serving Him in a half-hearted manner. He longs for His people to thirst and hunger for righteousness and not for ease and comfort. God continuously calls us to Himself.

Knowing all of this, I felt compelled to call at least 100,000 faithful believers whose knees have not bowed to the Baal of secular humanism to join with me in praying daily for our nation from July 4 through November 2. Our economic woes and national disasters, as well as our nation's security, will only be healed and protected when we get our relationship with God on the right track. Our personal cleansing, repentance, and intercession can determine our country's future.

Remember this: our real enemy is not some faction of our fellow citizens. Our real war will not be waged in the physical realm. Our battle must be fought on our knees in prayer. So if you have not committed to pray for America, please go to and join with thousands of others who are interceding on behalf of this great nation.

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