July 23, 2010
July Roberts Report
Berwick Nomination
Senator Roberts continues to be critical of the President’s controversial recess appointment of Dr. Donald Berwick to be the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) primarily due to his views on rationing of health care. During the July 4th congressional recess, the President appointed Dr. Berwick to be Administrator of CMS without a hearing or Senate approval. Roberts has called for public hearings on Dr. Berwick’s confirmation and urged the president to reconsider his recess appointment.
Senator Roberts expressed deep disappointment that President Obama bypassed the Senate and installed Dr. Berwick as Administrator of CMS before the Senate could hold a hearing. Dr. Berwick has made multiple controversial statements in support of the British National Health System and government rationing of health care that warrant further scrutiny. Because this post administers the Medicare, Medicaid, and Children’s Health Insurance Programs, it represents one-third of health care spending and touches virtually every senior in America.
Senator Roberts said, “Once again, the Obama Administration went behind closed doors out of fear the American people will learn that Dr. Berwick plans to use rationing as a cost cutting tool to achieve the half-a-trillion in cuts to Medicare called for in the health care reform bill. It is very troubling to me that the American people will not get to hear Dr. Berwick's explanation for his comments including: 'I am romantic about the NHS. I love it,' and, 'Most people who have serious pain do not need advanced methods; they just need the morphine and counseling that have been around for centuries.'
“While Republicans welcomed debate on Dr. Berwick's nomination, the majority has the power to schedule a hearing. The Senate Finance Committee was in the midst of the vetting process of Dr. Berwick’s nomination when President Obama recess appointed Dr. Berwick. Suggestions that Republicans were the source of delay on Dr. Berwick's nomination are laughable.”
Last week, Senator Roberts delivered the Weekly Republican Address focusing on the Berwick appointment. To view, please visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttGMACRUbYw or click on:
Senator Roberts and his fellow Senate Finance Committee Republican Members have called for a public hearing to allow the American people to examine Dr. Donald Berwick and his ability to be the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS) despite his recess appointment to the position.
Senator Roberts recently wrote an op-ed published in the The Hill, “Dr. Berwick, we hardly know you.” To read this op-ed, go to: http://thehill.com/special-reports/healthcare-july-2010/108581-dr-berwick-we-hardly-know-you .
Senator Roberts continues to work to repeal the new health care law and replace it with a plan that lowers costs and increases access to affordable health care, while urging reconsideration of Berwick’s behind closed doors appointment. To read Senator Roberts’ op-ed piece in the Kansas City Star, go to:
http://www.kansascity.com/2010/06/20/2031634/congress-must-repeal-obamas-health.html .
Unsustainable National Debt
The national debt has reached an all-time high of more than $13 trillion and on June 30, the United States debt increased by $166 billion in one day, which is more than the total budget deficit for 2007.
Senator Roberts said, “The growing debt is unacceptable and a direct result of increased government spending and the creation of more government programs that our country cannot afford. From the failed stimulus program to the newly enacted health care reform law that creates more government, we must stop this rampant and unsustainable federal spending. I hear from Kansans across the state who are angry and frustrated with out of control federal spending and the burden that is being passed on to future generations. Kansans live within their means and they expect government to do the same. In January, I voted against irresponsible policies to raise the debt limit - I’m sorry to say my colleagues on the other side of the aisle successfully raised the debt limit to over $14 trillion on a party line vote. This vote to increase the federal debt rather than control spending highlights the disconnect between my colleagues across the aisle and the American people. We need to institute fiscally responsible policies to get our country back on track.”
To follow the national debt through the United States Treasury Department’s website, go to: http://www.treasurydirect.gov/NP/BPDLogin?application=np . Senator Roberts is also a cosponsor of S.J. Res. 20, an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to enact a balanced budget each year.
WTO Ruling Affecting Tanker Competition
The World Trade Organization’s (WTO) final decision found the European Union (EU) unfairly subsidized their aircraft industry, a victory for Kansas and the U.S. aviation industry. As a member of the Senate Finance Committee, which has jurisdiction on trade matters, Senator Roberts said, “This decision in itself is an important step in what has been a long and difficult challenge with the EU and our competing commercial aviation industries. Every instance of launch aid provided by European countries over the past four decades was found to cause harm and distort the global market. It confirms a long held view that the U.S. aviation industry was put at a competitive disadvantage and suffered economic harm due to the illegal subsidies. I wholeheartedly disagree with the decision by the U.S. Air Force to completely ignore the WTO's decision in the final request for proposals in the procurement process for a new aerial refueling tanker. When one competitor faces an obvious advantage, it should be reflected in the competitive process, because disregarding it creates an unfair playing field. I continue to support USTR’s efforts to pursue a level playing field in the commercial aviation market as well as in our own defense acquisition process.”
To watch Senator Roberts remarks on the WTO decision at a recent bipartisan press conference, go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaWdRRFWObc . Roberts has long fought to replace the nation’s aging tanker fleet to give men and women in uniform the safest and best plane to complete their mission. A final decision from the Air Force on the tanker competition is expected this November.
Colombia Free Trade Would Benefit Kansas Economy
Senator Roberts and Senator Sam Brownback urged United States Trade Representative Ron Kirk to support the United States - Colombia Free Trade Agreement as Kansas wheat growers and the Kansas economy would greatly benefit from the United States - Colombia FTA.
The Senators wrote to Ambassador Kirk saying, “We are pleased to hear of the President’s support for the United States - Colombia FTA. We agree with the President that this agreement should be submitted to Congress for approval as soon as possible. Kansas is the largest wheat producing state, on average, producing nearly one-fifth of the nation’s wheat production. As the largest exporter, Kansas is referred to as, "the Breadbasket of the World." The proposed trade agreement with Colombia is critical to wheat growers in our state. Agricultural exports play a key role in the Kansas economy. The recent election of Juan Manuel Santos is an encouraging development in moving this trade agreement forward. A graduate of the University of Kansas, President-Elect Santos has made increased trade with the United States a key priority of his upcoming administration.
“Recently, the Canadian parliament ratified a trade agreement with Colombia, allowing Canadian wheat to be imported duty-free by Colombia. As our primary competitor in wheat production, this trade agreement gives Canadian growers a significant competitive advantage in this growing market. The National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) and U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) estimate the United States stands to lose $70 million in sales to Colombia, which totaled $330 million in 2008. Kansas wheat producers can no longer afford to miss out, nor be replaced by our competitors in this important market.”
Senators Roberts and Brownback continue to work to open markets for Kansas' agricultural products.
On the Passing of Senator Robert C. Byrd
Senator Roberts made the following statement on the passing of Senator Byrd: “One of the first privileges I had as a new Senator was to attend a not just required, but mandatory visit, lecture and sermon from Senator Robert C. Byrd. Freshman Senators learned more in that several hour session than they did in the first two years of service. He was gracious, kind and took the time to get to know me as a person and to know my wife and family. He had the keenest of legislative minds and was the keeper of the Institution of the Senate’s flame. He held it high and will be missed.”
Census Winding Down
As the door-to-door phase of the 2010 U.S. Census winds down, Kansans who have not received a census form in the mail can call 866-872-6868 to speak with a representative who can take census information by telephone. On July 31, this number will be shut down as the 2010 census tracking will end and a report will be issued by the United States Census Bureau by the end of the year.
Mandated by the U.S. Constitution, the United States Census Bureau counts every resident in the United States every 10 years. Forms were mailed out in March, and the Census Bureau has followed up with residences by going door-to-door. The information collected by the Census Bureau is used strictly for statistical purposes. By law, personal information cannot be shared with anyone including other government agencies. Kansas had a 75 percent mail participation rate while the national mail participation rate was 72 percent. For general information from the Census Bureau, visit: http://2010.census.gov/2010census/ .
To follow Senator Roberts on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SenPatRoberts . To watch Senator Roberts on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/SenPatRoberts .
Saturday, July 24, 2010
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