Friday, July 23, 2010

FROM ONE NEWS NOW - U.S. Bribing Kenyans to pass pro-abortion in Constitution

U.S. bribing Kenyans to pass pro-abortion Constitution
Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow - 7/23/2010 5:20:00 AMAmerican tax dollars are being used to finance "yes" votes in an election on a proposed revision to the Constitution in Kenya.

So far, an estimated $23 million from America alone has been spent on the election. Dr. Brian Clowes, director of research with Human Life International (HLI), tells OneNewsNow it is a showcase of how pro-abortion activists work.

"They sneaked an article into the Constitution, number 26, which legalizes abortion," he reports. "It's completely against the feelings and the faith and the culture of virtually every Kenyan. It's completely a foreign idea to them, killing their own unborn children. "

Kenya is just one example of what the United States and United Nations are doing to promote abortion internationally, and pro-lifers fear that if the proposed Kenyan constitution does pass, a domino effect will erupt throughout other African countries.

"This is a classic example of the U.S. going in," Clowes laments. "Even Vice President Biden has been over there saying, 'You know, if you vote yes on this constitution, we'll open the floodgates of money for you' -- and that's just an outright, blatant bribe."

The HLI research director has documented 31 international organizations on the ground in Kenya promoting "population control" -- typically used as another term for abortion. Yet they have loudly complained about the small amount of money pro-life groups are spending to educate the public and encourage them to vote no in the election August 4.

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