Sunday, August 8, 2010


Time to Face the Facts: the Democrat’s Stimulus Failed
When the trillion dollar so-called economic stimulus became law last February, President Obama pledged that unemployment would not rise above eight percent. Unfortunately, since then, unemployment has continued to grow, and during the month of July, the economy shed another 131,000 jobs. It is time for the Democrat majority to admit that their plans are not working and for Speaker Pelosi and President Obama to listen to the American people who are asking “where are the jobs?”

I am confident the economy will eventually recover and that unemployment levels will return to lower levels, but first, the fiscal policies in Washington must change. I agree with Kansans who tell me that Washington must stop spending money it does not have and that the Democrat’s $3.8 trillion tax hike that will hit on January 1, 2011 would be disastrous to economic recovery. I will continue supporting a no-cost economic recovery plan to foster job creation and spur economic growth. If you have a job-creating idea that you would like Congress to consider, I encourage you to visit and tell us about your plan. The genius of America is not in Washington, D.C., and I hope you will speak out to help put our nation back on the right path.

Missouri Voters Reject Individual Mandate
I opposed the Democrat’s government takeover of health care because it is not the right plan to reform health care. Health care reform should have reduced costs and made health care more accessible. Unfortunately, the new law will result in higher premiums, rationing of services and even more government bureaucracy. This is not the reform Americans asked for, and this week voters in Missouri sent a clear message to Washington that they do not support Obamacare. Seventy percent of the voters in Missouri supported a ballot initiative to prohibit the individual mandate that would force everyone to purchase health insurance or face a new burdensome tax. I will continue supporting efforts to repeal the harmful provisions in Obamacare, like the individual mandate, and to replace them with responsible health care reforms.

Bringing Congress to Kansas
My top priority as a member of Congress is to provide folks in Eastern Kansas with the best constituent services they have ever experienced from an elected official. I have worked over the past 19 months to make my office accessible to all Kansas and have made constituent communications a priority. This week, it was great to visit with folks across Eastern Kansas when I held two telephone townhall meetings. Kansans voiced their concerns with illegal immigration, out of control government spending and the skyrocketing debt.

I will continue listening to Kansas this month as I bring Congress to Kansas with a series of America Speaking Out townhall meetings and mobile office hours across Eastern Kansas. As my staff and I continue finalizing the schedule for August, I hope you will visit my website to find out when I will be in your community. There are major challenges facing all of us, and I take very seriously the responsibility to listen to Kansans concerns and stand up for them in Washington. I look forward to hearing from many of you this month during my Congress to Kansas tour.

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