Wednesday, August 25, 2010



I've been doing a study on the Surah, mostly 9:5

It doesn't say they will kill the infidels it does say the unbelievers or idol worshippers. MEANING of infidel - one without faith, so it is unbelievers of the Islim belief. It's a play on words in the Surah & the Islim belief.  That Allah is the god above all gods. If that is the case, then which Islamic person fell from Allah grace in the beginning???  

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Infidel (literally "one without faith") is a chiefly archaic English noun, meaning one who doubts or rejects the central tenets of a religion other than one's own or has no religious beliefs; especially in reference to Christianity or Islam.[1][2][3]

Infidel is an ecclesiastical term in Christianity around which the Church developed a body of theology that deals with the concept of infidelity; which makes a clear differentiation between those who were baptized and followed the teachings of the Church vs. those who are outside the faith.[4] The term infidel was used by Christians to describe non-Christians or those perceived as the enemies of Christianity, especially Muslims. The usage of the term for non-Christian monotheists distinguishes the term from heathen or pagan.[5]

After the ancient world the concept of otherness, an exclusionary notion of the outside by societies with more or less coherent cultural boundaries, became associated with the development of the monotheistic and prophetic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The conception of infidelity as a theological condition is a result of their strict conformity to monotheism, as well as their rejection and condemnation of pagan rites.[4]

Learn about Islam from people who practice it

August 25, 2010, 12:00 am

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Buzz up!Twitter FarkIt Type Size A A A I agree with Patricia C. Goodridge that the Rev. Jane Winters needs to do deeper research to understand Islamic faith. I graduated from a university located in an Islamic region in the Philippines and was married to a Muslim Filipino. I lived before in an Islamic city.

From the

My ex-husband and his family tried hard to convinced me to convert because, being an infidel (not a Muslim), I was certainly going to "hell." I never converted, even after we had two daughters.

Allah is the Arabic word for "God." In Islam, "Allah" is God beyond Gods. No name, no face to define. Christians believe that Jesus and God are one. Muslims believe that Jesus is only a prophet, like Mohammad, certainly not God.

Islam is a religion. In the Islamic world, religion is their law of life.

For the families of those who perished in 9/11, I felt your agony and I understand the anger if a mosque is built near Ground Zero. It is just like rubbing salt into the wound. Some Americans seem to forget that Islamist radicals slaughtered the innocent on Sept. 11, 2001, to please their God (Allah).

For Americans who agree with the imam about building the mosque for the practice of Shariah Law, please do your homework. Furthermore, study and research are not good enough to understand it deeply. Living around them — eating with them, socializing with them — will give you the whole perspective.

Helen Crea

Watkins Glen

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