Monday, August 16, 2010


Strike four! ... and still in business

Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow - 8/16/2010 5:20:00 AM

A Florida abortionist's medical license has been suspended a fourth time -- and a prominent pro-life group is outraged the man hasn't been drummed from the practice altogether.

Operation Rescue president Troy Newman has tracked abortionist James Pendergraft -- a "proven quack," as Newman describes him -- for years and tells OneNewsNow that a fourth suspension is not enough. The medical board, says the pro-life spokesman, is apparently missing the point: the impact on people.

"[He has] endangered women [and] killed women," Newman states. "And so Operation Rescue is calling for not just a suspension of his medical license, but finally and completely an absolute revocation of his license before more women and children die."

The pro-life leader describes Pendergraft's five abortion clinics in Florida as "a menace to the public" that should be shut down. "The Florida Board of Medicine seriously dropped the ball by not revoking Pendergraft and forcing the closure of his clinics," he says in a press release.

While outraged that Pendergraft's license was not permanently revoked, Newman says people can have the last word on the subject.

"The abortion industry is simply filled with despicable people like Pendergraft who are maiming women, killing women, and of course taking innocent human lives -- and in a free country this ought not be tolerated," he laments.

Operation Rescue's website contains contact information for Florida officials, and Newman is urging people nationwide to use that information to deliver a clear message to the Florida Board of Medicine that Pendergraft should be pushed out of the profession for good.

According to Operation Rescue, Pendergraft's clinics -- manned by other abortionists -- continue to operate while he is on suspension.

And they say legalize abortions are safer. yeah, right

Rev. Londa

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