Sunday, August 15, 2010


Palestinian kids taught to idolize terrorists

The Palestinian Authority of "moderate" leader Mahmoud Abbas continues to teach local Arab children to idolize those who have given their lives in suicidal mass terrorist attacks against Israeli Jews.

Palestinian Media Watch reports that a number of summer camps that wrapped up this week in Judea and Samaria (the so-called "West Bank") were named after Dalal Mughrabi, the female terrorist who led the 1978 Coastal Road bus hijacking in which 37 Israelis were massacred.

Palestinian Authority official Yousuf Al-Aref remarked on a summer camp for girls in Bethlehem being named after Mughrabi, insisting that "naming such summer camps after the Shahida (martyr) Dalal Mughrabi strengthens the sense of belonging and citizenship among Palestinian girls."

The government controlled PA TV channel also enthusiastically reported on a Syrian summer camp that was named after Mughrabi where the youthful participants actually wore t-shirts with the terrorist's likeness printed on the back.

To cap off a summer of honoring the Palestinians' most successful terrorist to date, Abbas' Palestinian Authority hosted an event in Ramallah where a song was performed that glorified the Coastal Road massacre as the most "heroic" event in modern Palestinian history.

Abbas continues to maintain that there is no incitement or encourage to practice anti-Israel terrorism under his regime.

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