Saturday, March 28, 2009
Hal Lindsey Report
'The Hal Lindsey Report'
Jim Bramlett
Mar 28, 2009
This week on 'The Hal Lindsey Report' On this week's edition of "The Hal Lindsey Report," I'll share some thoughts about the importance of the current American and global economic crises in the light of end-times prophecy. I'll also report some of the latest unbelievable developments.
President Obama showed up in Hollywood last week to do something that's never been done before. He appeared on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno." He is the first sitting President to appear on a late night talk show. He pulled out all the stops and went into full campaign mode to promote his agenda. Speaking of Hollywood, if I wrote a movie script with some of the nutty shenanigans we're seeing in the Congress, I'd be laughed out of town. They would tell me that a good script needs to be at least 'plausible.' Apparently that's not a requirement for Congressional proposals. It's obvious to me that all the 2009 Oscars for best actors are already sown up. The winners will be Pelosi, Frank, Reid, and Dodd. The President won't be considered since he's in a league of his own.
Seriously, though, I believe that the 'rage' over the AIG bonuses is manufactured and orchestrated to divert attention away from the misdeeds and incompetence of the government, past and present. Further, I think it's a diversion to allow quick passage of the President's budget and a tool to facilitate the inclusion of some of its more radical proposals. This $3.5 trillion budget poses a literal threat to our nation's future. The Congressional Budget Office estimates it will produce almost $10 trillion in deficits over the next decade," more than four times the deficits of the Bush presidency. Senator Judd Gregg says "our country will go bankrupt." Folks, we are facing serious challenges here in America. The Federal Reserve, with the Treasury's acquiescence, is issuing fiat currency at an unprecedented pace. $1 trillion in just the last few days. That means the value of the dollar is eroding rapidly. Russia and China are both calling for the US dollar to be replaced as the world's reserve currency. Even socialist Eastern European states are lecturing us about our wanton spending spree! And yet the new Administration plunges headlong toward its ambitious goals of nationalized health care, a redistribution of the wealth of its citizens, and the unionization and nationalization of our nation's financial systems and major corporations. We need to seek God earnestly for His mercy to be extended to our nation in these dark days. This week, I'll also report on the new threats facing Israel. A recent article in The International Herald Tribune describes Israel as the world's pariah nation. It identifies Israel's settlement on land it "captured in 1967," its "economic strangling of Gaza," and its "growing indifference toward a Palestinian state" as reasons why Israel has lost favor throughout the world. The writer argues that there is even a chill within the American Jewish community toward Israel. (Bramlett note: These next two paragraphs are especially revealing and ominous!) And just this past week, the Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Forces visited Washington. He had vital information about Iran to share with his American counterparts. He cut short his visit after he was refused meetings with President Obama, Vice President Biden, Secretary of Defense Gates, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Admiral Mullen, and National Director of Intelligence Blair. One diplomat said that the Americans didn't want to talk about Iran, they wanted to talk about Palestine! The Israeli news magazine, Israel Today, is reporting that its sources say that President Obama intends to "break America's long ties of friendship with Israel, and maybe even take steps toward the dissolution of the Jewish state." The Bible warns that it is a "fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." America has increasingly interfered in the affairs of the Israeli state, forcing it to give up its God-granted land to its enemy. Could it be that the crises we are now facing are the result of America's actions toward Israel? I'll share some thoughts on that. When you intercede for America, please pray for the peace of Jerusalem, too. Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, Inspiration (cable only), CPM Network, various local stations, or God Bless You, Hal Lindsey
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