Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin

Pray for our new leaders. There isn't coincidences in this world. God places the leaders for his time and purpose. Comes to my mind what Dad Hagen said before he passed on---- In a conference a word from the Lord--;" CHANGE CHANGE, CHANGE---: Change in the Government, Change in the Administrations and the third angle said, Change in the Churches. "Pray the Word of God and keep your eyes on the Eastern skies and pray for the peace of Jerusalem----. We know only peace will be when the Governments are on our Lords Shoulders and He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. His WORD says Let your heart "not be troubled---"these things has to be fulfilled---. Anytime The Father could say go get my children---Praise his Holy Name now and forever. Stand for what you do believe and know the word to back up your requests. The word says -- "my people will be known by the love they show one another. This was sent to be by dear friend Brenda. It is so true!!! Thank you Brenda Rev. Londa Picard

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