Monday, November 3, 2008

Isaac Newton & The days of Noah

Isaac Newton and "the days of Noah" Jim BramlettNov 3, 2008 Dear friends: As I have said many times, I am not a prophit, nor the son of a prophit. Actually, I don’t even know how to spel prophit. (Just kidding. I could not resist the humor.) Seriously, I am a reporter, not a prophet. My main subject is Bible prophecy, which is why most or all of you are on this mailing list, which is about 13-14 years old now. As a reporter, I would be remiss if I did not report to you some of the latest insights I have discovered about the possible timing of the Lord’s return. If you are shocked at the thought that God might reveal such timing, maybe even the day, please read what the Bible really says in my brief essay at There are many misconceptions on this subject. The purpose of this message is to share with you the latest work of two diligent prophecy students. Their work satisfies my two favorite, all-time concepts in end-time dating. That is: 1. The conclusions of the brilliant Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) about the 69 (62+ 7) weeks of Daniel chapter 9. Newton’s understanding has always fascinated me because of his great intellect and also the fact that he studied the book of Daniel from age 12 until he died at age 85. The Columbia History of the World, a secular history book, remarks, "At the end of his days he spent more time studying and writing about the prophecies in the Book of Daniel than he did in charting the heavens." Did God Himself put in Newton's heart this burning desire to study Daniel, then give him the key to the timing of Christ's return? Could this be the final profound secret the Lord revealed to this godly genius, the “father of modern science” near the end of his life -- a secret "accidentally" discovered in the Library of Congress and republished just in this past decade -- a secret so simple that most have missed it? 2. The major clue given to us by the Lord that the rapture would be “as in the days of Noah” (Matthew 24:37). For years I have felt that “the days of Noah” clue did not just mean a surprise on a sinful and unsuspecting people, but that an actual date is revealed. It is no accident that the Lord gave the exact calendar date that Noah entered the ark and the flood began -- the 17th day of the second month, or Cheshvan 17 on the Jewish calendar (Genesis 7;11, 13). Noah lived before the feast days were given to Moses, so the rapture may have no relation to Jewish feast days. The independent work of prophecy students Jerry Grenough and Marilyn Agee resulted in the above two concepts converging on Cheshvan 17, 2008, which on our Gregorian calendar is November 15, 2008. Read Jerry’s work on his November 1, 2008 post at Read Marilyn’s work on her October 29, 2008 post at I commend Jerry and Marilyn for their insightful work. Jim

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