Tuesday, February 28, 2012

From Americans For Prosperity

Nearly two years ago, President Obama signed his deeply unpopular health care package into law. Now, the U.S. Supreme Court is set to review the constitutionality of several elements of that package, including the individual mandate. We may not get a better chance to overturn this affront to our health care freedom; that's why we're taking action now, and we need your help!
Americans for Prosperity just launched a redesigned website - www.HandsOffMyHealthCare.com - complete with a People's Brief to the Supreme Court. Americans for Prosperity believes that the individual mandate is unconstitutional and that the President's entire health care law must be struck down with it.
On March 27th at 1PM, Americans for Prosperity will be hosting a major Hands Off My Health Care rally in Upper Senate Park, right across the street from the U.S. Supreme Court. We've put together a powerful coalition that includes groups such as the 60 Plus Association, Americans for Tax Reform, Concerned Women for America, Doctor Patient Medical Association, Eagle Forum, Hagerstown Tea Party, Heartland Institute, Family Research Council, Let Freedom Ring, Tea Party Express, Tea Party WDC, and more!
Click here to register for the Hands Off My Health Care rally!
We're asking everyone who believes in health care freedom to join us, and help send a message to the Supreme Court and all of Washington that the President's health care law is not only unconstitutional, but offends the freedoms upon which this country was founded.
Americans for Prosperity® (AFP) is a nationwide organization of citizen leaders committed to

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