Sunday, September 18, 2011

From Patriot Post

Fellow Patriots,

Today, Sept. 17, 2011, marks the 224th anniversary of the signing of our Constitution at the Philadelphia (Constitution) Convention in 1787. In recognition of this day, we are asking you to join with The Patriot Post and Essential Liberty Project in a legal battle to reinstate the Rule of Law enshrined in our Constitution. This legal action, unlike others before it, regards Breach of Oath -- breach of contract established by our Constitution between the elected and appointed members of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of our government, and We, the People. It seeks remedy for the lack of any proscription against, and penalty for such breach.

If you are a United States citizen and subject to federal taxes, you are eligible to join this action, and we encourage you, and everyone you know, to do just that. The success of this legal action depends on a large number of members signing on.

If you have not already done so, please register your support for the Oath Accountability Civil Action, to determine if we can restore the integrity of our Constitution by enforcing compliance with oath of office, or if we are condemned to the abuse previously characterized in American history as "Taxation Without Representation."

On behalf of The Patriot Post Team,

Christy Chesterton

Director of Advancement

The Patriot Post

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