Friday, June 4, 2010


Americans are Speaking Out; I’m Listening
From the out of control spending that has pushed our nation’s debt over $13 trillion, the bailouts of the financial industry and the auto industry and the Democrat majority’s government takeover of health care, folks around the nation are fed up because the current leadership in Washington is not listening. That’s why I was proud to join House Republicans to introduce America Speaking Out to work with you and folks around the nation on a new policy agenda for Washington that is centered on your priorities.

Earlier this week, I held my first America Speaking Out townhall meeting in Parsons, and I will be holding my second town hall meeting this coming Monday, June 7, at the Topeka and Shawnee County Library at 9:00 a.m. If you cannot make it out to the town hall meeting, you can still participate in America Speaking Out by engaging in a debate and offering your solutions on the America Speaking Out website at

America is at a critical crossroads. Our nation can either continue down the path we are on right now – a path of big government where distant politicians in Washington decide what is best for folks in the heartland – or we can change direction and let Americans everywhere help shape policy. I have heard from many Kansans already, and I look forward to continuing to listen as we build a new agenda that encourages economic growth and prosperity without creating a welfare state, that protects each of us from harm and that honors our values.

Private Sector Continues to Struggle as Government Continues to Expand
President Obama this morning praised the May jobs report saying that “we're moving in the right direction,” and that “the economic policies that we've put in place are working.” As our nation continues to grapple with the effects of record unemployment, I recognize that any job growth is good news. Unfortunately, what the President failed to mention and what I am extremely disappointed to learn is that of the 431,000 jobs created last month, only 41,000 were private sector jobs. Virtually every other job was a temporary position with the U.S. Census Bureau.

The private sector in our nation is the source of economic growth and strength, but the increased size, scope and cost of government, and the general uncertainty among businesses about higher taxes and more regulation down the road have all but stifled private sector job growth. We cannot afford policies that make us further reliant on the federal government and that lead us down a path to becoming a welfare state. The federal government should instead implement policies to ensure the free market functions correctly and put Americans back to work for good. It will take time for the economy to fully recover from this recession, but rather than growing government, we should be focused on fostering job growth and creation in our nation’s private sector.

Honoring our Nation’s Fallen Heroes
I was honored to join folks in Atchison and Leavenworth earlier this week to pay tribute to the brave men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. Each of us is blessed with so many freedoms, which are a result of the courageous Americans who have served our nation. In Atchison, a very dedicated and talented young man, Lawton Huffman, made it his Eagle Scout project to bring a piece of the USS Arizona to Atchison and construct a memorial to our war heroes. The beautiful memorial will make it possible for folks in Northeast Kansas to pay tribute to the 1,177 American soldiers who lost their lifves on the USS Arizona for years to come.

This Sunday, June 6, marks the 66th anniversary of D-Day, the largest naval invasion in the history of the world. More than 150,000 soldiers, including 31,000 Americans, landed on the beaches of Normandy, France, and engaged in what General Eisenhower called “a crusade in which we will accept nothing less than full victory.” The invasion of Normandy began the march across Europe to defeat Hitler. It was the turning point in the war.

I support a resolution in the House to recognize the 66th anniversary of D-Day and express gratitude to the soldiers who fearlessly fought for freedom. Both Memorial Day earlier this week and the anniversary of D-day over the weekend give us a chance to remember and honor the brave Americans who have sacrificed everything for their nation. But in addition to remembering and honoring our fallen troops each Memorial Day and on D-Day, it is so important for us to pay tribute to and say thank you to soldiers each day of the year.

Israel Has a Right to Defend Itself
Earlier this week, the Israel Defense Forces stopped a six-ship flotilla that was attempting to overrun an Israeli naval blockade. The blockade exists to stop Hamas terrorists from smuggling weapons into Gaza and using those weapons to attack Israel. Since 2005, Hamas terrorists have launched more than 7,000 rockets into Israel, killing innocent Israelis.

Israel has every right to defend itself, and at this point, the true purpose behind the flotilla seems murky at best. Israel is one of our nation’s strongest and most stable allies, so it is imperative that President Obama and his administration make it clear that the United States supports Israel and pledges to veto any biased, premature U.N. resolution condemning Israel’s right to defend itself from Hamas terrorists who seek to harm innocent Israeli citizens.

Spending Time in Kansas
I have had a wonderful time being home this week and have met many wonderful Kansans. After spending Monday honoring veterans in Atchison and Leavenworth, first thing Tuesday morning I headed to Southeast Kansas. My first stop of the day was with Brian Caswell at Wolkar Drug in Baxter Springs. Next, I headed to Pittsburg where I spoke with the local Rotary group and then headed to Parsons for my first America Speaking Out townhall.

Yesterday, I attended the Lakewood Hills Community meeting in Ozawkie and met with Directors Dave Ketchum and Lori Kemper, Manager Joyce Day, Committee Member John Bryant and Counsel Kenji Zweygardt. I also spent some time yesterday afternoon speaking with the Atchison Chamber and Rotary groups about important issues affecting individuals and businesses in Northeast Kansas. On Monday, I will host my second America Speaking Out townhall meeting in Topeka and also have several meetings in my office in Topeka.

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