Friday, March 12, 2010

Congresswomen Lynn Jenkins

Joining House Republicans to Swear Off Congressional Earmarks
When I ran for Congress, my message was simple – the wasteful, out-of-control spending was bankrupting our nation and the earmark process was in need of repair. That message resonated with Kansans, and you sent me to Washington to protect your hard-earned dollars. While I have followed my strict criteria, many of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle have not and the system remains badly broken. That is why I was proud to be one of 35 Members who signed Rep. Jeff Flake’s petition calling for a conference-wide one-year earmark moratorium.

With a $1.6 trillion deficit facing our nation and with a Congress that has been on a year-long spending spree, it is time to stop the out-of-control federal government spending. My vote in conference for a moratorium on earmark requests was a critical step in restoring fiscal responsibility and discipline to Congress. I will continue fighting to protect Kansans’ hard-earned tax dollars and to ensure our children and grandchildren are not buried under an enormous mountain of this generation’s debt.

Voting to Support Our Armed Forces Serving in Afghanistan
The primary responsibility of the federal government is a strong national defense. As your representative in Washington, I will continue doing everything I can to make certain the men and women who fight to defend our nation have the resources and support they need to do their jobs. That is why I voted against a resolution in the House this week that called for the United States to immediately remove all of its troops from Afghanistan.

It would be dangerous and irresponsible to vote against our troops while they are fighting to protect us from harm. In August, President Obama called the war in Afghanistan the “war of necessity” just before announcing a new strategy that included sending 30,000 additional members of our Armed Forces to combat. Under the command of General McChrystal, the new strategy is already proving successful and this resolution would do nothing but embolden Taliban fighters in Afghanistan as well as in other nations.

It is unfortunate and disheartening that some in Congress would vote against the men and women fighting to protect the freedoms and way of life we enjoy here in the United States. I am very glad the resolution failed, and I will continue doing everything in my power to support our military.

Health Care Update
Speaker Pelosi continued pushing forward this week with President Obama’s plan for a government takeover of health care. Despite promising to have the most open, honest and ethical Congress in history, she continues cutting deals in exchange for “yes” votes. Unfortunately, that process is leaving you and me uncertain about what the final bill will look like. In remarks to the National Association of Counties this week, Speaker Pelosi admitted, "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it."

The process the Democrat majority has used to force through their health care bill is very troubling, but that is just one of my concerns. This week I joined a group of my colleagues to introduce a resolution expressing the sense of the House that it is unconstitutional for the federal government to impose a mandate requiring all individuals to purchase health insurance. Nowhere in the Constitution did the founding fathers include a requirement that all individuals purchase health care so it is wrong for the Democrat leaders in Washington to force it on all Americans today. I will continue to oppose any plan that includes unconstitutional provisions as well as any plan that cuts Medicare, raises taxes or puts a Washington bureaucrat in charge of your health care.

Kansas is Growing as a National Leader in Biosciences
This week I was honored to meet with the leaders of the Kansas Bioscience Authority (KBA), Department of Homeland Security Under Secretary Tara O’Toole, Kansas Governor Mark Parkinson, the Kansas congressional delegation and leaders from our state’s government about the importance not losing any speed in bringing the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) to Kansas. The bioscience research done in Kansas will not only protect human and animal health, but it will also protect our food supply and the entire agriculture economy.

Over the past few years, Kansas has established itself as a leader in the biosciences. The unique partnership between the federal and state governments, private industry and our state’s research universities has developed a strong and vibrant bioscience industry that employs thousands of Kansans and contributes greatly to our state’s economy. I look forward to continuing to work with KBA and with all leaders in the bioscience industry in Kansas to bring NBAF to our state and to continue advancing the entire bioscience industry.

Kansas Visitors in Washington
It was great to visit with Ken and Barbara Stodgell, Bill Beckham and Charley Shoemaker about the Kansas VFW. Lenexa Mayor Mike Boehm; City Administrator Eric Wade; City Councilperson Cindy Green; Deputy Director of Community Development Tim Green; and Vice President of Legislative Affairs for the Lenexa Chamber of Commerce Ashley Sherard stopped by to discuss issues affecting Lenexa and East Central Kansas. Rob Linderer dropped by to talk about health care reform. Gary Wall and Ashley Cozine stopped by on behalf of Kansas Funeral Directors Association.

Deborah Baeuchle and Keith Mispagel stopped by to discuss education in Kansas. Russell Plaschka and Steve Buss dropped by to discuss Perkins funding and the importance of agriculture education in Kansas. It was great to spend some time with Kansas Farm Bureau members to discuss issues facing production agriculture in Kansas. Dan and Cheryl Yunk, Steve Swaffer, Terry and Tyler Powelson, Jacque Ensminger, Dennis and Gail Keuser, Charles Schletzbaum, Jennifer and Frank Muesler, Dale, Jodi and Amber Helwig, Darrin and Jill DeLange, Fred and Pam Meng, Dorothy and James Congrove, Robin Dunn, Kristen Henzlik, Sarah Sexton-Bowser and Jarrod Bowser, Alex Hemme, Chris VanTyle, Michael Martin, Donald Dillinger, Lewis and Laura Miles, Patrick and Jill Blanka, Leroy and Kristi Russell and Joe and Dana Newland were part of the Kansas Farm Bureau group.

Pam Beasley, Teri Smith, Lon Buller, Pam Kemp and Michael Selves who are all members of the Board of Directors of the Kansas Emergency management Association dropped by to discuss emergency management issues. Jim Baker and Randy Lewis stopped by to discuss manufacturing in Kansas. Sandy Linville stopped by to discuss immigration reform, job creation and the Employee Free Choice Act. It was wonderful to meet Aleksander Eskilson, Shawnee Heights High School student, who is in Washington to participate in the National Young Leaders Conference.

Tracie Smucker, Deanna Berry, Shirley Lewis, Cheryl Dunn, Marcy Cone, Clarissa Maddy, Reva Wywadis, Dean Olson, Stacy Hamilton, Cathy Caylor, Peggy Goodwin and Cathy Gray dropped by on behalf of the Kansas Association of Child Care Resources and Referral Agencies. Dr. Mary Beth Leininger dropped by to discuss the College of Veterinary Medicine at K-State. Dr. Chuck Rice, Dr. Daniel Sweeney and Dr. Gary Pierzynski stopped by to discuss agriculture research funding.


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Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-6601
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701 N. Broadway Street
Pittsburg, KS 66762
Phone: (620) 231-LYNN (5966)
Fax: (620) 231-5972 Topeka Office
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Topeka, KS 66606
Phone: (785) 234-LYNN (5966)
Fax: (785) 234-5967

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